Give up the dollar? Born SWFs gold
While the West is mesmerized by the chaos in Ukraine, certainly on the verge of implosion, the focus is on the negative interest rate policy in view, which will allow the bankers to skim on yields, or has concentrated sull'abdicazione in Spain, a changing of the guard of the black nobility, Jackass yawns and looks to Saudi Arabia, where a significant event in the bottom of the news. Announces the creation of a new sovereign wealth fund independent of the central bank, dedicated to prudent investment. That investment gold. Clearly indicating the departure from the mass of Treasury bills in dollars. The US-Saudi speeds up the divorce law offices, where the redistribution of savings is the key word. The abandonment of the petro-dollar involves the inversion of a generational commitment, once again. It is discharge the waste in dollars accumulated for decades as debt. It could be the first outpost of the central bank of the BRICS, going from debt securities of USG straight to gold bullion. The Saudis could facilitate giants like Russia and China, the new dynamic duo, starting the process of abandonment of the US Treasury bonds by converting them into gold bullion. The large indirect exchange could become much more direct.
The module Saudi
Some questions arise about how the Saudis formally join the BRICS, as part of their nascent alliance with Beijing. The report embryo has a huge debut in the form of multilateral conference in the Great Hall for a couple of months before, followed by a big nod to the United States during a military parade with Chinese missiles. Jackass suspect that a transition is being formed, releasing the Saudis from the United States Treasury bonds and reconstructing gold reserves. They have to replace what was stolen in London and Switzerland. Another question arises, if Saudi Arabia and Iran coordinate energy policy and payment systems outside of the dollar, based on gold. The Saudi Fund could help the process. A final question arises, if there is to be expected that a dozen such outposts of the Central Bank BRICS, which transforms the USA Treasury bonds into gold, arise and take shape. A vast system of satellite BRICS central banks may arise, imitating the Western system of central banks in franchising as US Federal Reserve, Bank of England, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan and others, such as the Swiss National Bank. Jackass believes that the Saudis will create the form, be copied elsewhere and that the Saudis will soon announce a policy of payments, which accepts any of the major currencies, trading oil and petrochemical, that the entire Gulf region soon will coordinate a policy at standard of petro-yuan as temporary vehicle, bound for the gold trade settlement system and that Saudi Arabia and Iran will cooperate by not friends, but with full constructive spirit. Freeing the United States along with wars and other violence, with their common aspects Nazis. The Chinese were involved in the trade, where the handshake is the new model. China will be the mediator of global diplomacy. The opportunity is there and Beijing begins from home is, dealing with neighboring countries such as Vietnam, in Southeast Asia, with less elbowing.
The official news
The official article was sparse in detail, but full of implications. The informed observer can read between the lines. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will establish its first sovereign wealth fund to manage the budget surplus to a value of hundreds of billions of dollars, according to the news agency of the kingdom. The Shura council should discuss a draft law on the National Reserve Fund. The fund should receive control by the central bank on investment in the kingdom. This is the crux, independence. Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of crude oil in the world. It was not revealed whether the fund will change the investment strategy of the kingdom. Over the past four decades, the strategy was dutifully recycle the petro-surpluses in government bonds USA, is of fundamental importance clipped by the Anglo-Saxons. Under the gaze of people like Kissinger and Rockefeller, planners de facto standard of the petro-dollar that effectively replaced the Gold Standard in 1973, just two years ago, the Bretton Woods Agreement was abrogated. The fund should start with a capital equal to 30 percent of the accumulated balance in a number of years. Over the past three years, the kingdom announced budget surpluses for a total of about $ 232 billion. See the article on Arabian Business .
Other sovereign wealth funds
Vladimir_Putin_in_Saudi_Arabia_11-12_February_2007-1 Other Gulf sovereign wealth funds have invested in real estate internationally, especially in Europe. They have a lot of good in the UK and eurobonds, and probably more than a handful of Japanese government bonds. The Saudis clearly indicate a major move on government bonds USA. Soon the Saudis announce not to accept any major currency for oil. Iran already finds little resistance, as in the sale of energy to India and Turkey. The USA government will soon come out of the battle of penalties throughout the world. The foundations of the BRICS showing signs of strengthening, with the output from the petro-dollar and its slow death, no more running formations with the goose-stepping fascist, breaking with bankrupts and the kings of the Anglo-American fraud. Other sovereign wealth funds in the Gulf region are extremely significant. The leaders are the United Arab Emirates, with the massive fund Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, from 773mld of dollars, but the UAE also has four other funds for a total of more 286mld dollars, surpassing the total of $ 1 billion, of 1059mld dollars. The fund Saudi SAMA Foreign Holdings has 737mld, and the Kuwait Investment Authority 410mld. The Qatar Investment Authorit y 170 billion. The total number of sovereign wealth funds of the Gulf is 2.377 trillion dollars. If only a quarter of the funds will be converted to gold bullion, the Gulf region could provide the equivalent of Fort Knox gold coin in support of the Dinar. The fortress, once glittering in Kentucky, home to 8500 tons of gold until it was robbed by the gang Clinton-Rubin. Only idiots and gullible believe the official story of the transfers to the New York Fed and West Point to keep them safe, along with crazy concepts such as Deep Storage Gold. We ask Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Venezuela as there were guarded their own games gold. See the list of institutions and sovereign wealth funds of the data in detail .
This concludes that the bottom of Saudi financial SAMA has nearly three quarters of a billion dollars, ready and waiting to get out of government bonds toxic and achieve the status of a valid gold reserve. Well, at least a considerable part of the new place functional role of Saudi outpost of the Central Bank of the BRICS, paper converting sovereign debt in western toxic metals.
Implications in the exchange-petroleum gold
The move of sovereign wealth funds from the Saudis is not regarded as subtly financial regime of the United States, with its power deposited in the Federal Reserve and the Treasury, and vehicles that operate in United States dollars and in the reserves of assets hidden in global banks, in the form of Treasuries USA. One wonders if the debt of the salient Belgian Treasury bonds occult USA, is actually at least 30% Saudi, if not exclusively Russian. The surplus funds from Saudi Arabia were taken by the central bank, which means that the Saudis withdraw from the franchise network of central banks the Fed. The Saudis are clearly aware of turning to the east. Divorce indicates that the Saudi royals are starting to move away from the king of frauds and by traffickers paper Anglo-Americans. Expect greater transparency in the future, a diversification away from US Treasury bonds, the sharp and rapid foundation stage of the system of exchange-petroleum gold that China has deployed with Russia. The arrangement could be a step towards the full adoption of the commercial system based on gold as a future model. All that's missing is a series of coins and credit notes based on gold. Of course, today there is an acute need for the emergence of a large satellite system of the central banks of BRICS, which could be the free trade zone of Shanghai. If a kick Frankfurt announced the central bank of the BRICS in the management of sovereign wealth funds, code word for diversify US Treasury bonds in gold bullion. Frankfurt would become the global hub of the yuan (RMB) between Asia and Europe, initiating the conversion to gold. The effect of the US-UK-EU storm would be the total of mud. The highlight of Belgium seeks always collateral gold from the Saudis or Chinese. If it were done so by the Saudis and the Chinese, the plan for the central bank of the BRICS would have two key players, and others would follow. The integration of the petro-yuan will have many aspects and the Saudi central bank seems to develop in the future. The petro-yuan has numerous project elements to be integrated in the future. You can watch the creation of a key outpost in Saudi sovereign wealth fund, an important element in the exchange-petroleum gold, with the USA Treasury bonds used as currency in the active role of lubricant exclusive of credit. The conversion to the payment system of oil in gold could be in the offing, with the key function performed by the petro-yuan in the conversion of reserves in investments.
Future satellite outposts
Every nation of the BRICS will have a central bank that will convert toxic mortgages US Treasury in gold bullion, as well as other sovereign bonds. We expect that Shanghai and Hong Kong they have one, such as Moscow, New Delhi in India and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, and also in Johannesburg South Africa. Other nations will host the satellites of the BRICS central banks, such as Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. At the end BRICS central banks appear to Frankfurt in Germany, Ankara, Turkey, Tokyo in Japan and Tehran in Iran. It will be impossible to stop the trend of conversion of US Treasury bonds in gold, since it will be the true solution. Actually, a large amount will be converted into yuan and rubles, given that most of the eastern trade will be solved with these two currencies in growth. Both will be based on gold coins. Ironically, China and Russia have more gold than the flow of their currency, the yuan and the ruble, the global economy. Energy trading will take place early in yuan and rubles, in response to the stupid government sanctions USA which appear to be only of self-inflicted damage. The usual tactics will be used against BRICS and associated countries, who are striving to break free from the toxic dollar. Many people wonder why the USD is toxic. The answer is simple, it is based on the debt of the USA government funded 80% by the Fed through a sterile monetization that creates fake money to cover the debt, and a policy of zero interest rates, which distorts the prices of goods . This allows you to protect the crime of Wall Street practice that a massive fraud based on property titles bogus, counterfeit bonds, insider trading, money laundering of drug money, endless wars to support fascist hegemony, explaining how the dollar will be based more on military support that the industrial economy. The usual tactics against the BRICS and associated countries include bribery, threats, fraud profits from drug trafficking, murder (and assisted suicide), ostracism of the system, penalties and continuous cash purchases on the metals market. The world can not solve and recover from the difficult economic situation, cancerous, without discarding the dollar and get rid of the USA Treasury bonds. Many nations are selling dollars in cash at a discount of 30-35% by redeeming their currencies, a nasty little secret along with countless other ugly secrets.
The Gold Standard is the solution to chronic financial plague what is the dollar toxic flowing into the global economic system, in the arteries of commerce and veins of the reserve bank. You will see the progress when the central banks of BRICS will take a brisk trade based on the conversion in gold bullion, closing the COMEX and now. A major conference will take place soon. The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) at the next summit in Qatar in the Gulf. It will be named Coop and eclipse Nat Gas OPEC, however. The pressure on the gold market and banks based on gold will be horrible, being called force majeure or assault to replace the gold bullion mortgaged (stolen). The processes may become as common as the killings of bankers, by far the most common. Let grow mushrooms from the graves, rather than mushroom clouds in the increasingly toxic treated air from chemtrails.