dance of the wind

SUBMITTED BY: ladaykay12

DATE: Sept. 28, 2016, 1:47 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 906 Bytes

HITS: 220

  1. There is a wild, restless wind
  2. Knocking, Knocking,
  3. Rattling on my door
  4. This dark and shivery day,
  5. Making the loose windows
  6. Shake and call my name.
  7. It is trying to lure me
  8. Outward, out of my warm,
  9. Safe home, whispering, teasing me,
  10. Calling me, promising me interesting
  11. Things for this soul cold day,
  12. But with no guarantees.
  13. I am afraid, but
  14. I chance a look about.
  15. My wonderful red fire,
  16. Glowing with warmth and cheer,
  17. Says to me, 'Stay, safe....'
  18. My kitten, sleeping so sweetly,
  19. Suddenly awakens with a hiss.
  20. With fur raised on end,
  21. She rushes under the chair!
  22. And the dog, hackles raised,
  23. Growls low in his throat!
  24. I shiver, and see the cold winter trees,
  25. Doing their wicked dance,
  26. Sensually swaying, Whipping
  27. Branches too and fro.
  28. The dangerous wind lingers,
  29. Outside my doorway, Calling me...
  30. But I stay inside, Safe,
  31. Yet tempted by the restless wind.

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