Earn Money - Navizon App Get accurate global/local geographic location


DATE: Sept. 4, 2013, 7:32 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.1 kB

HITS: 1419

  1. Hi,
  2. I would like to introduce you to Navizon.
  3. Navizon is a wireless positioning system that works a little bit like a GPS, only that it uses Cellular Towers and Wifi access points instead of satellites. In addition to being a wireless position system, Navizon offers cool features like the Directions, Buddy finder, Geotags and many more...
  4. This software relies on a community of users who contribute data to the system (WiFi and Cellular towers) when they have a GPS device. And the cool thing is that we can earn money doing it with the Navizon reward system:
  5. http://cur.lv/3abq2
  6. I'm already using it and you could make money too with it if you're interested. All you need is to install it on your phone and have Navizon connected to your GPS. Every Wifi access points that you pass, every cell tower that you log will mean money in your pocket. So if you have a phone that is compatible with this software, you should really check it out.
  7. If you plan on registering, please do so by clicking on the link below:
  8. http://cur.lv/3abq2

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