SUBMITTED BY: Richezcuul

DATE: April 9, 2017, 5:02 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 998 Bytes

HITS: 1347

  2. 1.To create an undeletable folder:
  3. run cmd as admin...put name of drive where you want to create folder eg C drive (C:) and hit enter...type (md\con)...hit delete
  4. type (rd\con) and it should be gone.
  5. 2.To shutdown pc using cmd,run as admin then type (shutdown -s) restart type (shutdown -r) log off type (shutdown -1)
  6. 3.To set a timer to shutdown pc type...(shutdown -s -t 60) 60 represents the number of seconds after which you want to shutdown your pc. Hit enter to start the timer.
  7. You can also print a message that will show during shutdown type (shutdown -s -t 60 -c "your message"),,,then hit to start timer.
  8. 4.To hide a folder.type (attrib +s +h then type directory of folder that you want to hide. eg (attrib +s +h ‪D:\A Windows 8 pro) then hit enter
  9. Your folder will vanish and won't appear even if you enable show hidden files.
  10. To get it back us same command only change + to - eg (attrib -s -h ‪D:\A Windows 8 pro)

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