[Nth] Top 10 predictions for Bitcoin [Part V]


DATE: Feb. 2, 2014, 5:32 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 828

  1. 5. US, China and other global forces will not be at the forefront of Bitcoin adoption
  2. Fincen, PBOC and RBI's reactions to Bitcoin in US, China and India points to one single conclusion - we are not going to let a 'controlled' and 'vast' financial system adopt a decentralized crypto-currency, which can used for illegal activities [anonymously]...as yet. Countries which have had a history of currency issues and does not have an effective monetary policies are the ones who will be at the forefront of Bitcoin adoption. With China out of the picture, one can look at Argentina, Cyprus and others to lead. These may be a small percentage of the global base, but they are likely to have much more local penetration and most importantly, more governmental support or less government intervention - whichever way you want to look at it. That being said, successful internet and mobile companies in the US/Europe are the ones, who are most likely to offer digital goods in Bitcoins. Zynga just announced their experiment. I would not be surprised if Spotify, Netflix etc become next [to embrace Bitcoin].

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