Earning Online With Fanbox


DATE: Dec. 20, 2013, 2:46 a.m.

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  1. Earning Online With Fanbox
  2. Regedit Link: http://fanbox.com/t27vj
  3. Fanbox is a social network that you can earn from, but also a place where you go to promote knowledge..
  4. When you “promote knowledge”, you are telling other people about something that they may or may not of known about..Every person is good at certain things, but lack in others…So you fill that space..
  5. You earn by teaching, learning and helping other member’s..
  6. There is no other site online like FanBox, and if everyone knew about it, then everyone would be on it..
  7. The top earner’s make $5,000 and up each month..The highest ranking member Arlene earns about $9,000 a month..And average member’s like myself earn the same as a person working a full time job about $2,500..
  8. It sounds too good to be true right? Wrong, Fanbox is a real site you make money from..I work 2 hours a day, and thanks to boosting, I didnt miss out on earnings while I was sick..
  9. Just check it out
  10. One of them is blogging. Just create good posts that people will enjoy reading.Another is launching ads. Create ads for your blogs or other peoples’ blogs and share in the profit.You can also earn by boosting. When you boost you are helping fund ads that currently don’t have an ad budget.You can earn from selling. Just list a product, service or premium blog to sell.You can earn from being a teacher. Just invite your friends to FanBox and when they sign up and earn, you earn.Also you can earn IPL Credits by categorizing and rating blogs. The IPL credits you accumulate can help increase your IPL limit, so you can earn more from ads or boosting.By completing these knowledge roles, you can become a success coach and earn by teaching others how to succeed on FanBoxThese are the different ways to earn on FanBox.
  11. ***UPDATES***
  12. You no longer have to purchase products from Fanbox member’s within 7 days of when your IPL fee’s are due. You will become a power user as soon as purchase a product from another member. So yay for not having time limits.
  13. FanBox
  14. Join Today,and see earnings by tomorrow night
  15. Fanbox pays you to blog
  16. Fanbox provides you with Premium Blog’s to create your posts in. And all posts that are published have potential to earn you a good sum of money without even promoting on the outside of Fanbox..
  17. But if you are or decide to become a frequent blogger or writer,Fanbox is the perfect place..You earn when your posts are viewed, you earn when you link your posts to other member’s post’s etc…
  18. Fanbox is all about promoting knowledge, so try to keep your posts informative and creative..
  19. Another great thing is that you can copy content like from here on hubpages, and post it to fanbox..And also you can import other blogs like from wordpress,blogger and typepad..
  20. If you want to earn from blogging, fanbox is where you need to start to make that dream a reality…
  21. Boosting
  22. “Boosting” is funding other member’s ad’s, it also means that when there ad’s get clicks, you get paid.
  23. Being Boosted is when you get your ad’s funded.
  25. EXAMPLE:
  26. -You boost $100, you boost the 3 top earner’s and 6 most popular tags… You will most likely end up with $9 in boosting earnings.
  27. But if you boost the top 5 earners and 12 most popular tags, you will most likely end up with $18 boost earnings for the day.
  28. It is best for you to boost the top 10 highest earners and top 10 popular tags. The more members and tags you boost, the more money you are bound to earn. Because its based on ad’s getting clicks.
  29. Catagorizing And Rating Posts
  30. When you categorize and rate posts on Fanbox, you are helping to make sure the tags and keywords take posts to the right place.
  31. Basically, you are given a post to Cat/Rate. You read through it,then at the bottom there is a list of tag’s that are used for that post. With each tag you rate it 1-10 on how you would refer it to someone else with THAT tag. And you can also put the search term in the box, it will give you alot more points then using tags already on there.
  32. Rating a tag as a 1 means you wouldn’t refer it to someone as that tag. 10 is a very specific tag,like if the tag was the post title.
  33. When Cat/rating posts, you should try to think of every search term that is related to that post.Try to think of how other’s would “word” something. Not every person thinks alike, you need to help push that term into view to help EVERYONE on Fanbox.
  34. Teaching
  35. When you refer people to fanbox, they become your students, and you can send them messages from time to time checking up on them.Success coaches are the one’s that need to be in their life on a regular basis.
  36. Anyways, teaching/referring offer’s some good benefits.
  37. *You will receive 10% of what your student makes the first 6 months.
  38. *6% from the 7 month to the one year mark.
  39. * And 1.5% from then on.
  40. You would promote it like any other money making site online. You just need to tell people what its about,how they will benefit them in the long run and how to start making money..
  41. Creating Ad’s
  42. When you create ad’s on fanbox, you can either create them for YOUR blog posts, or OTHER MEMBER’S blog posts. Either way you will be making money. I like to create ad’s for post’s that are top quality and are written by some of the highest earners on fanbox.
  43. Best tips for creating ad’s:
  44. Make sure title,picture,tags and description for the ad, match up to the blog post you are making it for.Otherwise it will get rejected.
  45. Create ad’s from the highest earning fanbox member’s.
  46. Before submitting your ad, ask yourself if it is something that you would click. Is it clickworthy? if not, try again.
  47. If you get a notification that someone has just “boosted” you, then you should try to create an ad ASAP.Since they are funding you and other member’s ad’s, you gotta catch it before it’s gone.Everyone loves free!
  48. You can create ad’s for your site’s outside of fanbox,its a great way to maximize your overall earnings between all that your doing to earn online
  49. Sell Products and Services
  50. You can sell products and services on fanbox to make even more money. Alot of the products/services that are usually posted on there are geared towards internet and network marketing.
  51. So something like:
  52. Ebooks
  53. Social bookmarking services
  54. article writing
  55. photo editing
  56. Training manuals
  57. A Good Game Plan
  58. Categorize and rate posts-try to shoot for 1000pts a day,it should only take you 30 minutes or so.
  59. Create ad’s- in my experience, ive had better results searching through the best blog posts, and creating ad’s from those.Shoot for an ad a day.
  60. Blogging- take an hour out of your day to write a blog post or two for fanbox.If possible, link a popular blog post to your’s to increase the money you will earn from the post.
  61. Boost- you can boost every few days, even once a week, it depends on the amount available to boost. But you will earn more with boosting then the other’s.
  62. Selling Products/Services- if you have a good ebook that you can sell, fanbox is a great place to sell it.Try shooting for 1-2 times a month is possible.
  63. Teach- you become a teacher after you have referred someone to fanbox, so its pretty much a full time gig, you just need to try and keep them motivated..
  64. IPL (I’ll Pay Later)
  65. The IPL idea is an amazing concept. With IPL, Fanbox gives you $250 to start with. The best thing to do is boost that amount. If you don’t boost, you’ll have to pay the IPL fee’s plus pay the amount back.
  66. You can become a power user if you purchase a product through the marketplace from another member.
  67. Power user’s get their earnings increased.
  68. *Sorry, I tried to explain it the best without confusing you*
  69. Multiply Your Earnings
  70. You can multiply your earnings on fanbox by:
  71. Cross-posting your blog post on other sites like sidetick or buckisa.
  72. Sharing your referral link with other social networking sites
  73. Submitting ad’s to safelists about fanbox
  74. Shoot for 10 students at first, and get them motivated to earn some money
  75. If you like someones product they have for sale,Like as in clicking “like this product” you will earn a commission amount for your efforts

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