

DATE: Oct. 24, 2013, 11:43 p.m.

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  2. -Paypal with Bank Account attached.
  3. -$5-$20 in your Paypal Balance Minimum.
  4. -A friend to help.
  5. -Patients.
  7. Now, once you have everything listed in the requirements section it's time to begin the method. What we want to do first is Send let's say $10 to your friend, pick a currency that is worth more than the currency you have in your balance best currencies to use for this method is CDN and USD. So once you send the $10 in a currency worth more then the one you have in your balance paypal will automatically charge the left over amount in the currency you're trying to send in to your bank account. Once your friend has received it get him to send a refund and the money they charged your bank account will not be sent back with it (So really paypal pockets the money.)Now send the money back in the currency you originally had in your to your friend, once you've done that pick up the phone and call up Paypal phone support. This part can be annoying but you'll want to keep calling until you've been connected to an off-shore employee (you'll be able to tell by the thick accent) once you've found your victim and gone through all the verifying things they do start off by saying: "Hey there, I recently went to go send a payment in USD when my balance was CDN so you guys charged my bank account so now it's overdrawn.. And when I had my seller refund the payment so I could send it in CDN the money you guys took was gone.."
  8. The employee should go on to say something along these lines: "Oh, well that's odd.. What we can probably do for you is refund that (Whatever amount they charged) back in to your Paypal balance." Then you'll reply with: "Well that's great and all but I can't withdraw (whatever amount they took) on to my bank account because the minimum withdraw is $15." They will then pause for a bit and most likely offer you a credited $15 to your Paypal balance! You could try and hustle them for more but i've never tried it, i've also only done this with a Canadian paypal a few times so good luck to you all! *NOTE ONLY DO THIS WHEN YOU WANT SOME EXTRA CASH, THIS ISN'T MEAN'T TO BE ABUSED*

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