What is BitBin?
BitBin is a site that allows you to store 'pastes', short text snippets.
What am I not allowed to post?
You are not allowed to submit pastes that contain
In addition, the following is not allowed
Failure to follow these rules may result in your account getting banned from uploading monetized pastes or pastes entirely.
What is the syntax highlighting feature?
If your paste contains code or markup, you can use the syntax highlighting to highlight the text. Note that encrypted pastes don't support all of the syntax highlighting formats that are available with unencrypted pastes.
How does the encryption feature work?
Your pastes can be encrypted to ensure only people you trust will be able to read them. Encrypting your paste means you need to provide the same password you used to encrypt paste to decrypt and thus read it. Since the encryption and decryption are done locally on your computer, the administrators of this site won't be able to recover the content of your encrypted paste if you lose your password.
How does the paste history feature work?
If you have uploaded your paste while logged in, you can update your paste later on. Paste history means the earlier versions of your paste remain available.
What software does this site run on?
This site runs on a modified version of pastebin-django, an open-source web application developed using the Django web framework.
How can I advertise on this site?
You can advertise on BitBin through Anonymous Ads by selecting BitBin as your traffic source and Mellow Ads by creating an CPM/CPC campaign for one of our ad spots.
How does the paste monetization feature work?
When you have logged in, you can upload monetized pastes which allows you to earn revenue based on the amount of hits your pastes receive.
I uploaded a monetized paste before the account registration was added to the site. Do I still earn bitcoins?
Monetized pastes that were uploaded before account registration no longer earn bitcoins.
How is the amount of revenue calculated?
The site shares the ad revenue proportionally based on the amount of hits your pastes get in proportion to all monetized pastes as whole.
Every 24 hours, the site checks the ad revenue balance that has been received since the last payout. The site then takes a portion of the ad revenue and calculates the amount of bitcoins paid per unpaid hit by dividing the amount of bitcoins with the amount of unpaid hits on the site at the time.
( Value of unpaid hit = bitcoins to be paid to users / amount of unpaid hits )
Your unpaid hits are then converted into paid hits and deposited into your balance.
( Paid amount of bitcoins = amount of unpaid hits * value of unpaid hit )
You can withdraw your earnings once your balance is at least 1 mBTC.
When will I receive my earnings?
Pending bitcoin withdrawals are processed manually every Monday.
This schedule is in use to reduce the amount of Bitcoin fees.
Withdrawals are subject to Bitcoin network rules.
As such, withdrawals may be delayed if the Bitcoin network is
severely congested at the time of processing.
What is Bitcoin Cash?
Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin that uses a larger block size limit than Bitcoin, allowing for cheaper and faster transactions. At the time of writing, December 29th 2017, the average transaction fee when using Bitcoin is $36. In comparison, the average transaction fee for Bitcoin Cash is $0.24.
How do I withdraw my earnings as bitcoin cash?
You can change your Automatic Withdrawal settings to use Bitcoin Cash instead of Bitcoin, or create withdrawals manually. Your bitcoins will be converted to bitcoin cash when the withdrawals are processed.
Why is my balance shown as bitcoins (BTC) instead of bitcoin cash (BCH)?
BitBin uses bitcoins for tracking the balance of users. When you request a withdrawal of your earnings using Bitcoin Cash, your bitcoins are converted to bitcoin cash at the time of processing at the current market rate. This conversion doesn't involve fees.
Anything else?
You can contact me by sending a message to my email address.