

DATE: Oct. 11, 2013, 3:38 a.m.

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HITS: 1244

  1. =======================================
  2. UNObot for CoinChat v0.2.0
  3. Bot and help file written by TomatoSlayer
  4. =======================================
  5. Hello, and welcome to #unobot!
  6. This is a chatbot to play a variation of the classic UNO card game on CoinChat!
  7. Don't know what CoinChat is? Check it out at: http://www.coinchat.org/r:TomatoSlayer (Disclaimer: This is a referral link!)
  8. Don't know what UNO is? Well, good thing you found this help file!
  9. =======================================
  10. How to Play Uno (in #unobot)
  11. =======================================
  12. ------------------------------
  14. The object of the game is to get rid of all of the cards in your hand. When you play your last card, you win!
  15. ------------------------------
  16. ------------------------------
  18. !uno
  19. This command first starts up the game! Whoever starts up the game with !uno is called 'the dealer'. For other people to join in the game, they type in...
  20. !join
  21. This command lets players join the game. If there is a game already going, you can always type !join to join in the middle of the game!
  22. Otherwise, if there are at least 2 players ready to play, then whoever typed !uno can now type in...
  23. !deal
  24. The deck is shuffled and each player is dealt 7 cards. Another card is put in the discard pile, this card will be called the 'top card', and everyone can see it.
  25. Your hand will be sent to you via PM by unobot, so keep an eye on that. If you're already at the max amount of rooms that CoinChat allows, you must close one of them to play. Sorry, but there's no way around this!
  26. The types of cards are divided into groups by colors (B for Blue, G for Green, R for Red, and Y for Yellow), numbers or special cards, which will be explained under the !play command description.
  27. The first turn goes to the first person who joined the game after the dealer, and they can play a card by typing in...
  28. !play <card> [new color]
  29. When it's your turn, you use this command to play one of the cards in your hand. You must play a card that matches the top card's color, number, or special. So, for instance, if the top card is a G7 (meaning a green number 7), you can play any card as long as it is green or a number 7 (or both, or a special card). If the card you play was the last card in your hand, you win!
  30. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  31. Special Cards:
  32. You may also get special cards.
  33. XS - S is for Skip (X is any of the colors). When played, this card skips the next player's turn. To play this card, the top card must either be another Skip or the same color.
  34. XR - R is for Reverse (X is any of the colors). When played, this card immediately reverses the play order.
  35. Note: When there are only 2 players, the Reverse card acts like a Skip card.
  36. Colorless Cards:
  37. W - W is for Wild. There are no colors on Wild Cards, and can be played regardless of color, number, or special function of the top card. When played, the player can specify a new color that the next player must match with their next card.
  38. For example:
  39. unobot: TomatoSlayer, it is now your turn! Top card: Y3
  40. TomatoSlayer: !play w g
  41. unobot: The color is now GREEN. unoplayer, it is now your turn!
  42. WD4 - WD4 is for Wild Draw 4. There are no colors on Wild Draw 4 Cards, and can be played regardless of color, number, or special function of the top card. When played, the player can specify a new color that the next player must match with their next card. Additionally, the next player draws 4 cards AND their turn is skipped!
  43. For example:
  44. unobot: unoplayer, it is now your turn! Top card: B9
  45. unoplayer: !play wd4 r
  46. unobot: TomatoSlayer draws 4 cards AND is skipped! The color is now RED. anotherunoplayer, it is now your turn!
  47. Note: With W and WD4, you can declare a particular color even if that's already the current color!
  48. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  49. If you don't have any cards that match the top card and you don't have any W or WD4 cards, then you must type in...
  50. !draw
  51. On your turn, you can use this command to draw 1 card from the deck.
  52. Note: You can draw as many cards as you want on your turn, provided you do it before you play a card. Don't forget that in order to win, you must GET RID OF all of your cards!
  53. If you still can't play a card even after drawing from the deck, then you can type in...
  54. !pass
  55. This passes your turn onto the next player. You MUST draw at least one card with !draw before you can use the !pass command.
  56. !quit
  57. This command lets you leave the game. Be warned that this will be counted against you in stats.
  58. ------------------------------
  59. ------------------------------
  61. !top
  62. Shows the top card.
  63. !cards
  64. Sends your hand to you via PM.
  65. !pl
  66. Shows a list of all the players in the current game.
  67. !record [player name]
  68. Shows your UNO records. If you specify a player name, it will show their UNO records.
  69. !alltime
  70. Shows the top 10 players.
  71. ------------------------------
  72. =======================================
  73. TODO
  74. =======================================
  75. 1. Make the game functional. (v0.2.0 => v0.5.0)
  76. 2. Finish stats support. (v0.5.0 => v0.8.0)
  77. 3. Finish betting support. (v0.8.0 => v1.0.0)

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