Bitcoin Poker


DATE: Sept. 23, 2013, 12:29 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.5 kB

HITS: 1024

  1. At the moment i know of two free-roll bticoin poker sites and one that is play to play only, i know there are more and i will update them as soon as i find them, we have Seals with Clubes, and Bits Poker who have undergone big changes, the first two offer free games but Bits poker is pay and play
  3. This site has an hourly freeroll and its on the half hour so games are 00:30, 01:30, 02:30 etc., you get 600 chips for 3rd place, 900 chips for 2nd and 1500 chips for a 1st. You need 10.000 chips to withdraw and 10.000 chips is 1% BTC .
  5. This is the main bitcoin poker site with hundreds of players online at any one time and most of the freerolls are 100 plus players, you have two main freerolls hat fall on the hour, one hour its a game with a guarantee of 30 prizes and the next hour the game is a game for 3 prizes, you are playing for a lot more here as the game size tells, 50 chips are 5% btc and that is easy to get playing the freefoll games
  7. This site has had a total face lift, it was a good site with a really good game but they stopped paying for a while just holding your freeroll balance, now they have set back up they have a nice new site with account balances untouched so they have left our chips in place, they do not have any free games it is pay to play only and they have not had a game played on the new site as yet, well not that I have seen
  8. I look forward to playing you :-)

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