

DATE: Dec. 20, 2013, 5:09 p.m.

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  1. English3
  2. VAB measured in rocket units Credit: NASA
  3. In addition to housing the shuttle rocket stacks, many astrobiology missions have historical ties to critical assets at the Cape. From the Hubble telescope launch to various human missions on space station, the shuttle stack has been mounted in the VAB. In fact the skyline at Cape Canaveral gives a running account of important astrobiology objectives. During a controlled explosion in October 2000, the historical launch pad 41 dating back to 1965 gave way to a new Atlas V tower. That part of the now modified Florida skyline had witnessed the launch of two Viking missions to Mars and Voyager's planetary probe, both of which had led the way for modern astrobiology missions to the inner and outer solar system.
  4. O'Keefe spoke to the NASA tradition of recovery, when he concluded that "We have a documented history of overcoming adversity and pulling together." NASA has not assessed yet whether the storm damage will affect the planned spring reflight of the shuttle as it returns to orbit since the Columbia tragedy. Related Web Pages Build Your Own Planet
  5. Eye through the Hurricane
  6. Astrobiology Magazine: Your Online eZine on Life in the Universe
  7. www.astrobio.net

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