10. She lost her virginity to half the high school football team at age 14
I do not really need to elaborate on this point do I? If it was the soccer team that is even worse she should be shipped immediately to some far flung location in Europe never to be heard from again. Oh and don’t be that schmuck that thinks this recommendation does not count if she was 16.
9. She has many friends with bad character
Think about your own relationships don’t you tend to make friends with similar values that you have? If a woman your interested in has friends with bad character that means one of two things. She either has bad judgement or is excessively loyal to the wrong type of people for the wrong reasons. Either case is bad news.
8. She watches more than 2 reality shows on a regular basis
Reality shows rot the brain and are the pixie sticks of mental decay. If she watches more than 2 of these her soul is rotten and you have little hope of normalcy. If she watches the Kardashian’s or Housewives of anything round down to 1 and run. If it’s Jersey Slore your probably gonna score but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
7. She does not accept responsibility for her actions/decisions
Taking responsibility for our own actions is a big part of the transformation from child to adult. If you are dealing with a woman that fails to take responsibility and always blames her problems on others you are dealing with a woman who will soon be blaming you for her problems. In fact she probably already is to some one.
6. She has a world owes her a fairy tale life mindset
Major red flag here because it shows she has bought into the cultural lies and will be a self focused spoiled little princess. She is going to be annoying to deal with and ultra high maintenance. Make her sign a prenup if you are foolish enough to want to marry her and see what kind of reaction you get.
5. She loves to gossip and talk bad about other people
Insecure self loathing people try to make others feel smaller through gossip and character attacks. If you notice your woman engages in this behavior around her friends she is the type that is going to do this to you at some point. Gossip is for people that are not doing important things and have nothing important to offer why would you want someone like that?
4. She has a tendency to lie
Trust is paramount for a good relationship. Without it you will be on edge and wondering if you are being played. Don’t deal with someone that lies or make excuses for that behavior even if it seems to be a harmless little lie. Compulsive lying will quickly morph to blaming someone else and not accepting responsibility so you are getting an intoxicating Long Island ice tea like cocktail of warning signs when that happens.
3. She does not have strong ties to her own family
A woman who is not close to her own family will never be close to yours. Either she comes from a bad family that she has wisely separated from or she’s just a bitch and hard to get along with. If she is just estranged with her father that is even worse because you will soon experience her man hating venom in its full glory.
2. She has cheated during previous exclusive relationships.
I never understood how anyone lets themselves get seriously involved with cheaters. Extreme naivety or arrogance is the only reason I can see people think it will not happen to them. If a person has already established they are a cheater you have no one to blame but yourself when they perfect the art on you
1. She is divorced and the one that filed the paperwork. After discussing the reason for divorce you learn there was no valid reason such as affairs or abuse instead you will hear random BS such as…
I needed to find myself
I was bored
I wasn’t happy
Run for the hills my son and run 3X as fast if she had kids and the reasons above were listed. You are dealing with an entitled self focused spoiled wanna be princess.
Avoid the type of women highlighted above or expect to have unsympathetic friends that no longer want to grab a beer with you since your such a depressing miserable lout.