SUBMITTED BY: shahidsomroo

DATE: Feb. 2, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

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  1. Opportunity arrived at the rim of Endeavour crater on Aug. 9, 2011, at a place the team named Spirit Point. The robot has driven more than 21 kilometers (13 miles) lasting nearly three years since departing the rover's previous major destination, Victoria crater, in September 2008. in the distance is the crater floor and on the other side the eastern rim segments. After arrival, the rover used her used its panoramic camera (Pancam) to record the images combined into this mosaic view. The view scene shows Spirit Point including a small crater, "Odyssey" on the rim, and the interior of Endeavour beyond.
  2. In September 2016, Opportunity finally drove through the Lewis and Clark Gap and out of Marathon Valley, hiking farther down into Endeavour’s rim, toward the crater floor. The plan was for the rover to visit Spirit Mound, where the scientists were hoping to find more Matijevic Formation. They did not. It was Shoemaker breccia everywhere.
  3. So in November 2016, Opportunity began what would be a four-month hike back up the crater rim. The rover was heading for an area where she could easily exit Cape Tribulation. Once on the other side of the rim, she would continue south on smoother terrain and make a bee-line to Perseverance Valley and Cape Byron.
  4. When Opportunity reached the rim crest in March 2017, the team had her pause to take a parting shot of Cape Tribulation. It was promptly named the Rocheport Panorama. The rover then drove over the crest and cruised south along the flatter, smoother terrain, pulling up to the top of Perseverance in May 2017 and soon began a walkabout around the uppermost area of the valley.

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