My first Cash out. Your earnings need to mature for 75 days before you cash them out. For example, if you earn $ 50 on May 25 / 2013 you can cash out that money only on August 9 / 2011 or later . When you has sent your request for a cash out, FanBox will send you the next message Greetings!
Thank you for cashing out your earnings! Your request is being processed. Please allow up to 10 business days for you cash out to be processed and mailed to you. Thank you for your patience with us.
Note: If you do not want us to withhold 28% of your payment, please send us your filled out and signed W9 in next 24 hrs to this email or fax it to 619-374-2476. Please find a W9 form attached. If you have already turned in your W9 form or have requested to have us withhold 28% of your payment, please disregard this note.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you very much!
FanBox Member Services
I didn`t send W9 form and ten days later a Bank of America check was sent to me . FanBox charges 28% for processing my request and sending the check. They attached de Tax Bill too. I had requested $ 40 and received $ 28.80 after FanBox charges
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