How to change your RuneScape I.P


DATE: May 12, 2013, 4:28 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.5 kB

HITS: 4003

  1. Hello fellow Powerbotters.
  2. Today I will be teaching you how to change your display I.P when you login to RuneScape.
  3. You MUST be an administrator to do this.
  4. Have you ever wanted to login from JagexHQ, Narnia, or The Bathroom? Well now you can.
  5. We will be working with the System 32 file, so you MUST do exactly as written, or you could destroy your operating system.
  6. Firstly, search to find Notepad in your home button.
  7. When you find it, right click it and press the option 'Run As Administrator'.
  8. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, you want to open up your C:\ drive.
  9. Once you are in the C:\ drive, go into the Windows folder.
  10. Scroll through the lists of folders, and go ahead and click into your System 32.
  11. ***Make sure to not screw around with ANY files other than the ones being directed in this guide, or you might completely fuck your operating system.***
  12. Once inside, head into the divers folder.
  13. Look for the folder labeled 'etc'.
  14. If you did this correctly, your path should look like 'Your path should look like this: C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc'
  15. Open into the 'hosts' file.
  16. Once inside, go to the bottom beneath everything. This is where you need your ip, so simply go to and get it.
  17. Copy and paste your I.P to the bottom of the document, then add what you want to say. Use this format: [Your Ip] [What you want it to say], just remove the brackets around it.
  18. Viola, you are done.

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