

DATE: Feb. 27, 2013, 9 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 628 Bytes

HITS: 1437

  1. starring into the abyss, the nothingness
  2. the empty hole that is my soul
  3. I'm curious
  4. I want to know
  5. Is this it? The whole show?
  6. this mysteriously labeled precious experience of life
  7. cradle to grave
  8. struggle and strive
  9. fight, fuck, and bleed
  10. all with one hope
  11. contribute a seed
  12. a genetic stain, to carry forward our name
  13. sequential helix strains
  14. in vain
  15. we try, we hold up lights
  16. hopes and dreams, tears and sacrifice
  17. as if there was a right
  18. or wrong choice to make
  19. for a fleck of dust, hurling through space

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