1) Accounts
- The ability to be able to just log into an account and have all of your preferences set up would be awesome
- Or just cookies to remember your BTC Address and syntax preferences
2) Edit
- A Generated Key that once entered allows you to edit and re-post your paste
3) Delete
- Same as #2 but for deleting instead of re-posting
4) Current Raised BTC on a certain address
- The ability to see how much you have pending would be nice. This may already be implemented, haven't' seen it yet though.
// For Teh Lulz? //
#No, piss off skids. if you do shit "for teh lulz" then you can piss yourself.
#Don't get me wrong, nothing against anonymous, but once they started that lulzboat nonsense they lost
#sight of their mission.
$BTC-Addr = $_POST['UuCIDItY'];
if ($BTC-Addr == "1PkqpreKumS5BnpKHantGtCK2FZLWcLtuJ") {
echo 'Welcome Back, Lucidity!';
} else {
echo '<font color="#ff0000">You aren\'t Lucidity!!</font>';