Reflecting on the year that was not last year, thank god and medicine

SUBMITTED BY: shahidsomroo

DATE: March 5, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 659 Bytes

HITS: 609

  1. I was thinking back over the last couple of weeks and suddenly remembered, oh my god, Christmas happened! And I survived it! Like one survives forced repeated viewings of The Revenant. Don’t get me wrong, we had a wonderful, relaxing day and woke up to about eight inches of snow on the ground, but fuck if it wasn’t an uphill journey through a labyrinthine hell to get there, almost as bad as being manipulated into feeling sorry for a white dude who wrestles a bear and then spends the next four hours of the movie chewing off each of his own fingers. That’s the plot of that movie, I swear. And in the end he gets a promotion for being completely mediocre.

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