

DATE: March 21, 2013, 8:15 p.m.

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  1. I really want to develop a product similar to tofu but made of gourmet mycellia. Here where even portabella, a kilo cost 3 times the daily wage,I'm sure chefs will buy it if they are sure it's safe and it taste like the fruit and it's cheaper. And it will be sterile and it would stay in their refs forever. Any links on this topic? Links that I can present to the regulating agencies that mycellia of edibles are also edible. Is it really? Any food company doing this?
  2. And how would you call it? mycellia doesn't sound delicious at all. Mycoprotein by Quorn sounds technical.
  3. Can you call it Porcini cake for example even if it's not the fruit?
  4. I have been playing around with that idea as well in my mind. I have read from some sources that for many species, the mycelium has a much more bland taste than the fruiting body or barely any taste at all. I would suspect that the substrate would also influence the taste. Perhaps there are some wonderful tasting combinations to be discovered. For those mycelia that have a great taste by themselves, liquid culture would be an productive method I assume.

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