TheJerm MSR 206 Software + Track 1 Gen + 11 Bonus Guides


DATE: July 13, 2017, 8:54 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 2.6 kB

HITS: 860

  1. What is this program? It's a utility program I wrote to interface with the MSR206 magstripe reader/writer. Why did I write it? I wasn't satisfied with the quality of other programs I tried. I made this program to solve the problems I was having with the other programs. I tried to design it to be very quick, easy and efficient to use but at the same time I wanted it to be very comprehensive so that you would never have to load up another program to use a function that I didn't include. I plan to keep adding more features too. Although I tried to make the program very easy to use, there are some things that are not self-explanatory. That's what this readme file is for. I'll try to explain every feature of the program so you'll have no problems using it.
  2. Setting It Up
  3. Before you can use the program you need to make sure it knows what com port your MSR206 is connected to. If the program doesn't find your MSR206 on startup click on the "Settings" tab. Under "Com Port" there is a dropdown box with COM1 through COM16. Choose the port your MSR206 is connected to and then press the "Set Port" button to open that port. The program will then send a command to see if your MSR206 is on that port. If you chose the right port and everything is connected properly the status bar at the bottom of the window will say "MSR206 FOUND ON COM?" where "?" is the number of your com port.
  4. If you choose a port number that doesn't exist on your computer it will say, "INVALID COM PORT". If the port exists but the MSR206 can't be found you will get the message, "NO RESPONSE ON COM?". Make sure all your cable connections are secure and try testing other com ports.
  5. Actions Tab
  6. Now that the program can communicate with your MSR206 you're ready to start using it.
  7. Status Bar
  8. The status bar is located at the bottom of the window and will give you messages about the functions you use. Its color will give you an idea of the nature of the message. A green bar is for normal messages like indicating when a function completed successfully or displaying information that you requested. A yellow bar means that you started a read, write, or erase function and it's waiting for you to either swipe a card through or abort. A red bar generally indicates an error, like a read error or invalid card swipe. The exception to this color scheme is the LED test under "Settings" which uses the color of the bar to represent
  9. [img][/img]

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