

DATE: June 29, 2013, 7:59 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 7.7 kB

HITS: 9505

  1. -- Constants function KEY_DOWN() end function KEY_UP() end function PING_NORMAL() end function PING_FALLBACK() end function TEAM_NONE() end function TEAM_BLUE() end function TEAM_RED() end function TEAM_NEUTRAL() end function TEAM_ENEMY() end function WINDOW_X() end function WINDOW_Y() end function WINDOW_W() end function WINDOW_H() end function _Q() end function _W() end function _E() end function _R() end function SPELL_1() end function SPELL_2() end function SPELL_3() end function SPELL_4() end function ITEM_1() end function ITEM_2() end function ITEM_3() end function ITEM_4() end function ITEM_5() end function ITEM_6() end function RECALL() end function SUMMONER_1() end function SUMMONER_2() end function READY() end function NOTLEARNED() end function SUPRESSED() end function COOLDOWN() end function NOMANA() end function UNKNOWN() end function FLOATTEXT_INVULNERABLE() end function FLOATTEXT_SPECIAL() end function FLOATTEXT_HEAL() end function FLOATTEXT_MANAHEAL() end function FLOATTEXT_MANADMG() end function FLOATTEXT_DODGE() end function FLOATTEXT_CRITICAL() end function FLOATTEXT_EXPERIENCE() end function FLOATTEXT_GOLD() end function FLOATTEXT_LEVEL() end function FLOATTEXT_DISABLE() end function FLOATTEXT_QUESTRECV() end function FLOATTEXT_QUESTDONE() end function FLOATTEXT_SCORE() end function FLOATTEXT_PHYSDMG() end function FLOATTEXT_MAGICDMG() end function FLOATTEXT_TRUEDMG() end function FLOATTEXT_ENEMYPHYSDMG() end function FLOATTEXT_ENEMYMAGICDMG() end function FLOATTEXT_ENEMYTRUEDMG() end function FLOATTEXT_ENEMYCRITICAL() end function FLOATTEXT_COUNTDOWN() end function FLOATTEXT_LEGACY() end function FLOATTEXT_LEGACYCRITICAL() end function FLOATTEXT_DEBUG() end -- Spell local spell = {} function end function spell.level() end function spell.mana() end function end function spell.currentCd() end function spell.range() end function spell.channelDuration() end -- Pos local pos = {} function pos.x () end function pos.y () end -- Pos3d local pos3D = {} function pos.x () end function pos.y () end function pos.z () end -- CUnit local unit = { } function end function unit.charName() end function unit.level() end function unit.visible() end function unit.type() end function unit.x() end function unit.y() end function unit.z() end function unit.isAI() end function unit.isMe() end function unit.buffCount() end function unit.totalDamage() end function unit.dead() end function end function unit.networkID() end function end function unit.maxHealth() end function unit.mana() end function unit.maxMana() end function unit.controlled() end function unit.cdr() end function unit.critChance() end function unit.critDmg() end function unit.hpPool() end function unit.mpRegen() end function unit.attackSpeed() end function unit.expBonus() end function unit.hardness() end function unit.lifeSteal() end function unit.spellVamp() end function unit.physReduction () end function unit.magicReduction() end function unit.hpRegen() end function unit.armorPen() end function unit.magicPen() end function unit.armorPenPercent() end function unit.magicPenPerecent() end function unit.addDamage() end function unit.ap() end function unit.damage() end function unit.armor() end function unit.magicArmor() end function end function unit.range() end function end function unit:HoldPosition() end function unit:MoveTo(x, z) end function unit:Attack(target) end function unit:GetDistance(target) end function unit:CalcDamage(target,fDmg) end function unit:CalcMagicDamage(target,fDmg) end function unit:getBuff(iIndex) end --returns buff name function unit:getInventorySlot(iSlot) end --from ITEM_1 to ITEM_6 -- Sprites local sprite = {} function sprite.Draw(x, y, alpha) end -- Draws sprite function sprite.Release() end -- Release Sprite -- LoLPacket local LoLPacket = {} function LoLPacket.dwArg1() end -- Return network Arg1 function LoLPacket.dwArg2() end -- Return network Arg2 function LoLPacket.header() end -- Return network headers function LoLPacket.pos() end -- Return the current pos in the dump function LoLPacket.size() end -- Return the size of the dump function LoLPacket.Decode1() end -- Returns 1 byte and increases the read pos by 1 function LoLPacket.Decode2() end -- Returns a word and increases the read pos by 2 function LoLPacket.Decode4() end -- Return a long and increases the read pos by 4 function LoLPacket.Encode1(eByte) end -- Encode a byte function LoLPacket.Encode2(eWord) end -- Encode a word function LoLPacket.Encode4(eLong) end -- Encode a long function LoLPacket.EncodeStr(eStr) end -- Encode a string function LoLPacket.getRemaining() end function LoLPacket.skip() end -- Global Functions function EnableZoomHack() end function IsKeyPressed(wParam) end -- Returns true/false is key was pressed function IsKeyDown(wParam) end -- Returns true/false is key is down function CanUseSpell(iSpell) end -- Returns SpellState function CastSpell(iSpell) end --Uses Spell function CastSpell(iSpell,x,z) end --Uses Spell at position function CastSpell(iSpell,target) end --Uses Spell at Target Position function SendChat(text) end --Send Chat function BlockChat() end --Blocks next send chat function LevelSpell(iSpell) end function DrawText(text,size,x,y,ARGB) end --Draw Text over Screen function DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, size, ARGB) end -- Draw line over Screen function DrawCircle(x,y,z,size,color) end --Draw a Circle around object function GetMyHero() return unit end --Returns your Player function GetTarget() return unit end --Returns your target function GetTickCount() end --Returns current tick function GetSpellData(iSpell) return spell end --Returns SpellData function GetLatency() end -- Returns latency function PrintChat(text) end --Prints to Chat function PrintFloatText(target,iMode,text) end --Prints a float text above object function PingSignal(iMode,x,y,z,bPing) end -- Creates a PingSignal function BuyItem(itemID) end -- Buys an item function SellItem(iSlot) end -- Sells an item function IsItemPurchasable(itemID) end -- Returns if an item is purchasable function IsRecipePurchasable(recipeID) end -- Returns if a recipe is purchasable function GetCursorPos() return pos end --Returns Cursor pos function WorldToScreen(unit) return pos3D end -- returns a pos , you need to check "if .z < 1" to know if its inside your screen, it returns the screen pos at .x and .y function createSprite(szFile) return sprite end -- return sprite object, loads file from "Sprites" folder function CLoLPacket(size) return LoLPacket end -- Return new LoLPacket function SendPacket(LoLPacket) end -- Send a LoLPacket -- Mouse Position mousePos = {} function mousePos.x() end function mousePos.y() end function mousePos.z() end -- Camera Pos cameraPos = {} function cameraPos.x() end function cameraPos.y() end function cameraPos.z() end -- CallBacks function OnLoad() end function OnDraw() end function OnTick() end function OnUnload() end function OnCreateObj(object) end function OnDeleteObj(object) end function OnWndMsg(msg,wParam) end function OnProcessSpell(object,spell) end function OnSendChat(text) end function OnRecvPacket(LoLPacket) end function OnSendPacket(LoLPacket) end -- Object Manager objManager = {} function objManager.maxObjects () end function objManager.iCount() end function objManager:getObject(index) return unit end -- Hero Manager heroManager = { } function heroManager.iCount() end function heroManager:getHero(index) return unit end

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