$$$$$ How to make money spending 5 - 10 minutes everyday playing a browser game $$$$$


DATE: Dec. 10, 2013, 2:02 p.m.

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  1. A while ago I started to play this game called Townian. It just got out of its Beta stage so now that it is stable I decided to share it with you guys.
  2. Maybe you have played games like this before. Its very similair to games like Evony, Ikariam etc. You gather resources and you build stuff and a army.
  3. However the difference with Townian is that instead of building buildings, you can trade your resources in for $$$. They do pay PayPal Just for those who are wondering about it. But to be honest. The exchange rate is pretty low. So in order to get like a stable $12 a day from this game you need to play it for a while and reach a higher level to build more Towns so your incomes of resources and gold will basicly double. And you will earn 20% from what your referrals get for a LIFETIME! THIS INCLUDESTHE $$$ THEY MAKE
  4. TIP : Keep your Town population 50 or lower. When you get to 51 or higher your town will be attackable. So only get it 50+ when you have your defences prepared and other resource buildings upgraded
  6. For those who think this is to good to be true, there are payment proofs all over the web.
  7. Here is a handy guide to get you started in this amazing game it contains everything from the first to the last step on owning this game.
  8. GUIDE http://adfoc.us/315915846476

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