part 15 paragraph


DATE: June 1, 2013, 2:58 a.m.

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HITS: 9955

  1. --16--
  2. the general "development" of paragraphs will be described
  3. in a later section.
  4. 4.1~3. Discourse Relator (RELATOR~ Input to this
  5. procedure are (i) a dependent type, (2) a probability
  6. value, and (3) a restriction pattern. This procedure
  7. determines whether the given dependent type conflicts
  8. with the restrictions specified in the pattern. If no
  9. conflict is found, this procedure determines whether a
  10. word should be selected from the given dependent type
  11. based on the input probability value. If the selection of
  12. the dependent type conflicts with the restriction pattern,
  13. or if the dependent type fails the probability test, no
  14. word will be selected from the dependent type.
  15. 4.1.4. ~CRITERIA~. Whenever, during any stage of
  16. sentence generation, the selection of one word from a
  17. list of candidates is required, this procedure determines
  18. which criteria should be applied to control the selection.
  19. All criteria (implemented principles of cohesion to be
  20. described in a later section) are presented to the genera-
  21. tion program in the form of a table that reweights the
  22. probabilities. The generation program increases or de-
  23. creases the probability of selecting words on the basis of
  24. the values in this table. It has the following format
  25. I
  26. (Fig. 3): each entry is specified by a ser0~ntic class or
  27. a specific word followed by a positive or negative value.

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