

DATE: Dec. 15, 2013, 3:39 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 769 Bytes

HITS: 4321

  1. edit:apparently the zergRush tool has changed. ive included the new md5s,so hopefully there wont be any more confusion like the old md5s caused earlier. be aware of this,however, in case they do change again. you are right to be cautious if it doesnt match,so ill do my best to keep up with it.
  2. 2nd edit:
  3. if you get the following error trying to run zergRush: " [-] Cannot copy boomsh : No such file or directory",dont panic.
  4. that error comes from running zergrush twice. reboot your phone,push and run zergrush again,then when you get the error,enter the following:
  5. rm /data/local/tmp/booms
  6. rm /data/local/tmp/sh
  7. then
  8. /data/local/zergRush
  9. it should look something like this(just pretend that miniadb_merge says mini-adb_inc ):

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