cPanel ssh


DATE: Oct. 28, 2016, 8:54 p.m.

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HITS: 527319

  1. Restart chkservd:
  2. /etc/init.d/chkservd restart
  3. Tail Apache log:
  4. tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
  5. Updates the cpanel server software:
  6. /scripts/upcp
  7. Reinstalls exim:
  8. /scripts/exim4
  9. View traffic or if you think a site is being DDoS:
  10. cd /usr/local/apache/domlogs
  11. tail -f
  12. Correct bandwidth issues
  13. /scripts/cleanbw
  14. To fix problem in webalizer that stop updating stats
  15. /scripts/fixwebalizer
  16. Fix everything
  17. /scripts/fixcommonproblems
  18. /scripts/fixeverything
  19. Fixing Mail List MailMan
  20. /usr/local/cpanel/bin/convertmailman2
  21. Reinstall MailMan
  22. /scripts/reinstallmailman
  23. /scripts/fixhome
  24. pico /etc/my.cnf
  25. Edit php.ini (may be in a differant place if you have Zend installed)
  26. pico /usr/local/lib/php.ini
  27. Edit Apache Conf
  28. pico /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  29. Checking Real Time Top Processes Login to SSH and run
  30. top
  31. Run cpanel backup
  32. /scripts/cpbackup
  33. To try and fix domain controller
  34. /scripts/fixndc
  35. Quotas
  36. /scripts/initquotas - takes a while to run
  37. /scripts/resetquotas
  38. /scripts/fixquotas - takes a while to run
  39. Add a Dns Entry
  40. /scripts/adddns
  41. Install Frontpage Mail Exts
  42. /scripts/addfpmail
  43. Add JavaServlets to an account (jsp plugin required)
  44. /scripts/addservlets
  45. Add a User
  46. /scripts/adduser
  47. Run WHM Lite
  48. /scripts/admin
  49. Add Rlimits (cpu and mem limits) to apache
  50. /scripts/apachelimits
  51. Resync with a master DNS Server
  52. /scripts/dnstransfer
  53. Edit A User's Quota
  54. /scripts/editquota
  55. Search For Trojans in /dev
  56. /scripts/finddev
  57. Locate Trojan Horses
  58. /scripts/findtrojans
  59. Suggest Usage
  60. /scripts/findtrojans > /var/log/trojans
  61. /scripts/fixtrojans /var/log/trojans
  62. Make Interchange work with suexec
  63. /scripts/fixcartwithsuexec
  64. Fix Most Problems with Interchange
  65. /scripts/fixinterchange
  66. Run on a trojans horse file created by findtrojans to remove them
  67. /scripts/fixtrojans
  68. Run this if a user's stats stop working
  69. /scripts/fixwebalizer
  70. Fix a broken valias file
  71. /scripts/fixvaliases
  72. Turn on DMA and 32bit IDE hard drive access (once per boot)
  73. /scripts/hdparamify
  74. Re-scan quotas. Usually fixes Disk space display problems
  75. /scripts/initquotas
  76. Turn on SUEXEC (probably a bad idea)
  77. /scripts/initsuexec
  78. Display Ipusage Report
  79. /scripts/ipusage
  80. Terminate an Account
  81. /scripts/killacct
  82. Delete "Security Problem Infested RPMS"
  83. /scripts/killbadrpms
  84. Fix Various Mail Permission Problems
  85. /scripts/mailperm
  86. Attempt to Troubleshoot a Mail Problem
  87. /scripts/mailtroubleshoot
  88. Change a Mysql Password
  89. /scripts/mysqlpasswd
  90. Kill Potential Security Problem Services
  91. /scripts/quicksecure
  92. Rebuild Ip Address Pool
  93. /scripts/rebuildippool
  94. Delete Nasty SSL entry in apache default httpd.conf
  95. /scripts/remdefssl
  96. Restart a Service (valid services: httpd,proftpd,exim,sshd,cppop,bind,mysql)
  97. /scripts/restartsrv?? (example: /scripts/restartsrv httpd)
  98. Syncup Security Updates from RedHat/Mandrake
  99. /scripts/rpmup
  100. Force a webalizer/analog update
  101. /scripts/runlogsnow
  102. Remove non-important suid binaries
  103. /scripts/secureit
  104. Install Frontpage 4+ on an account
  105. /scripts/setupfp4
  106. Return a Simple process list. Useful for finding where cgi scripts are running from
  107. /scripts/simpleps
  108. Suspend an account
  109. /scripts/suspendacct
  110. Syncup Cpanel RPM Updates
  111. /scripts/sysup
  112. Unblock an IP
  113. /scripts/unblockip
  114. UnSuspend an account
  115. /scripts/unsuspendacct
  116. Update Cpanel
  117. /scripts/upcp
  118. Update /scripts
  119. /scripts/updatenow
  120. Create a New Account
  121. /scripts/wwwacct
  122. Awstats to run manually
  123. /scripts/runweblogs account_username
  124. License Not working
  125. rdate -s
  126. Sometimes such behavior of apache/httpd (taking more and more memory until it dies or crashes the server) can be caused by corrupted MySQL database. Try to do the following:
  127. 1) Kill the mysql server
  128. /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop
  129. 2) Repair all SQL databases:
  130. myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI
  131. 3) Start mysql again:
  132. /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
  133. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. Restarting cpanel
  135. /etc/rc.d/init.d/cpanel restart
  136. To run your clients stats now
  137. /scripts/runlogsnow
  138. Restart the background proccess that runs the stats for your clients
  139. /usr/local/cpanel/startup
  140. To run your clients stats now
  141. /scripts/runstatsonce
  142. To run one clients stats:
  143. /scripts/runweblogsnow username
  144. Shut down http
  145. httpd stop
  146. Start http with SSL
  147. httpd startssl
  148. Start http
  149. httpd start
  150. /scripts/runweblogs
  151. cd /scripts
  152. ./addpop [Enter]
  153. Oluşturmak istediğin e-mail hesabı seklinde [Enter]
  154. Daha sonra şifre belirle [Enter]
  155. Sunucunda herhangi bir sorun yoksa mail hesabın oluşmuş demektir.
  156. Başarılı çıktı şu şekilde :
  157. Created with password 123456 with a quota of unlimited for user kullanıcıadı

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