Title Age
Arithmetic operator: Division (/) 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Arithmetic operator: Multiplication (*) 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Arithmetic operator: Subtraction (-) 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Arithmetic operator: Addition (+) 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Case-insensitive constant name 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Case-sensitive constant name 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Replace text within a string - str_replace() 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Search for a specific text within a string - strpos() 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Reverse a string - strrev() 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Count the number of words in a string - str_word_count() 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Get the length of a string - strlen() 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
PHP NULL value 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
PHP object 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
Secret of Success In Business 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours
PHP array 7 years, 19 weeks and 16 hours