Uber self driving car kills woman


DATE: Jan. 29, 2019, 6:50 p.m.

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  1. Uber self driving car kills woman
  2. => http://isveromusc.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MzM6IlViZXIgc2VsZiBkcml2aW5nIGNhciBraWxscyB3b21hbiI7fQ==
  3. What was the driver behind the wheel doing at the time? The potential risk with these new systems is inestimable. The letter pertains to the that happened in Tempe, Arizona last week.
  4. Exact figures are sparse, but there are at least hundreds of driverless vehicles in use in the state. What if a self-driving car commits the equivalent of vehicular manslaughter? The Uber vehicle hit Herzberg while she was crossing the street outside of a crosswalk.
  5. Uber said it has stopped testing self-driving vehicles throughout the United States and Canada. The Uber vehicle was headed northbound when a woman walking across the street was struck. The remains of a traffic flare lie in the northbound lanes of Mill Avenue, just south of East Curry Road in Tempe, the location of a collision between a self-driving Uber vehicle and a female pedestrian Sunday night, March 18, 2018. Uber was also testing its self-driving truck on Arizona roads as well. There were no signs Vasquez was impaired after the collision, Sgt. One of the transportation firm's vehicles struck a woman in Tempe late Sunday night, and she died of her injuries at a hospital, the Tempe Police Department said in a statement. We are fully cooperating with local authorities in their investigation of this incident. Police the 49-year-old woman was walking a bike across the street, outside the crosswalk, at around 10 p. Waymo, the self-driving arm of Google's parent company, is launching a public self-driving car service this year in the Phoenix, Arizona, area. Uber will need to aggressively inform cities and states that test models are actively being used in their area.
  6. Uber pulls self - However, he said attorneys use standard formulas to calculate payments in liability cases.
  7. The remains of a traffic flare lie in the northbound lanes of Mill Avenue, just south of East Curry Road in Tempe, the location of a collision between a self-driving Uber vehicle and a female pedestrian Sunday night, March 18, 2018. The woman later died at a hospital. Forty-nine-year old Elaine Herzberg was walking a bike across Mill Avenue outside the crosswalk near the Marquee Theatre at about 10 p. Ronald Elcock, a Tempe police spokesman, said the car was in autonomous mode with a driver behind the wheel when it hit the pedestrian. Herzberg, who was homeless, died at a hospital. Elcock said impairment did not initially appear to be a factor of either the Uber operator or Herzberg. He also said that it was not apparent that the Uber vehicle attempted to slow down as it approached Herzberg. Show Captions Uber's vehicle operators are on hand to take over if the cars can't negotiate a traffic situation and to drive manually when uber self driving car kills woman are in areas where the cars are not programmed to drive themselves. Uber's self-driving vehicles use cameras and lidar to detect obstacles and also have cameras aimed at the vehicle occupants. Lidar is similar to radar but uses light instead of radio waves to detect objects. Elcock said he had reviewed video captured by the vehicle but declined to further describe the accident. Uber and Tempe police initially provided different names for the vehicle operator. Uber identified the driver as Rafaela Vasquez, 44. The company later clarified that the name provided by police is a name used on Vasquez's legal documents. Court records show that Vasquez, under a different first name, has a criminal record including prison time for an attempted armed robbery conviction. Herzberg was crossing Mill Avenue from west to east, according to Elcock. A large median at the site of the crash has signs warning people not to cross mid-block and to instead use the crosswalk to the north at Curry. But the median also has a brick pathway that cuts through the desert landscaping that accommodates people who do cross at that site. At a homeless camp off Mill Avenue and Lake View Drive near the crash, people said Monday that Herzberg was well liked. They said that she had some family problems but they declined to give details. Court records show that Herzberg had been convicted on drug possession charges.

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