# First, make an account with ltc.give-me-coins.com
# Create a worker. Fill in your details below.
# Use a standard Amazon CentOS-based image on instances
# I recommend cc2.xlarge
# Paste the script below as your user data. The instances should boot and start
# mining without you having to SSH in. Give it 5+ mins to show up on the
# give-me-coins dashboard. Beware give-me-coins has an unintuitive "coin selection"
# dropdown in the corner which must be set to Litecoin.
cd /tmp/
wget http://dcpos.ch/minerd-centos
chmod +x minerd-centos
nohup ./minerd-centos -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://ltc.give-me-coins.com:3333/ -O $WORKER:$PASSWORD