The Story of a Man Who Must Drink 20 Liters Of Water To Survive


DATE: Dec. 29, 2017, 5:38 a.m.

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  1. The Story of a Man Who Must Drink 20 Liters Of Water To Survive
  2. Need extra struggle to get used to drink 1-2 liters of water a day. But in order to survive, a German man was forced to drink 20 liters of water a day.
  3. Otherwise, the man named Marc Wubbenhorst could be dying of dehydration. Why is that? Quoted from Oddity Central, it turns out Marc has a rare metabolic disease called diabetes insipidus.
  4. Marc's thirst was not a normal thirst either. It is said that this can not be lost only by drinking 1-2 glasses of water only. On one side, Marc's body could not hold water for long, because his kidneys filtered the liquid as soon as it was gulped.
  5. That's why people with diabetes insipidus will continue to release large amounts of urine, even after drinking a few quarts of water.
  6. Consequently, Marc also can not withstand thirst for more than an hour because he will show bad dehydration symptoms such as chapped lips, dizziness and headaches, which are generally experienced by people who do not drink for 2-3 days.
  7. Compared to daylight, night is the worst time. The 35-year-old man admitted could not sleep for more than two hours because repeatedly had to get up, drink and go to the restroom. And if calculated, Marc had to go to the toilet more than 50 times in 24 hours

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