#OpRedemption #PhaseDuo


DATE: June 1, 2013, 1:15 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 10.3 kB

HITS: 1021

  1. Bitcoin Donations: 1DrQQPkH3hxdPgJWFBm65GwwiHd5MBd5Zb (Goal 3 BTC to fund brilliant lulz)
  2. Opwestboro - Now all in one page - Twitter embeds + commenting system.
  3. http://pastehtml.com/view/d1u5zc7ha.html
  4. http://pastehtml.com/view/d1u5zc7ha.html
  5. http://pastehtml.com/view/d1u5zc7ha.html
  6. You can help, even if your not technologically inclined. Feel free to come up with creative means of exploiting this information. Faxes can be sent of any pornographic material deemed legal in the U.S.A., the more extreme, the better. These images can also be photoshopped to include senior members of the church. Phone numbers can be submitted to spam/marketing lead services, as well as flooded with traffic. The Phelps law office can be contacted with detailed fake cases, misdirecting their workload.
  7. The church practices excommunication of its younger members. If someone wanted to, they could convincingly attempt to engage in flirtatious or 'church-inappropriate' conversations with these members. It is safe to say that their excommunication practice is one of our most effect weapons at actually dismantling the organization.
  8. This contact info can be distributed across the internet even more then it already has been.
  9. Their youtube videos can be flagged for removal, as can the social networking pages of church members.
  10. Please remember that these people are fueled by negativity, only approach them with things that will be effective, not things they will feed on.
  11. Please remember that the @DearShirley twitter account, as well as the Westboro Baptist Church facebook page are currently under anonymous control, any attempt to harrass these sites will be ineffective at reaching members of the church.
  12. There is a meme circulating right now suggesting mailing them fecal matter. This is hilarious, however, very illegal.
  13. Please do not direct pornography to any member of the church under the age of 18. This is also hilarious, though illegal.
  14. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/ban-westboro-baptist-church-entering-boston-and-picketing-funerals-those-who-died-during-bombing/KbLlysdG > this is a petition to prevent them entering Boston. PLEASE, SIGN AND SHARE!!!
  15. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Opwestboro -
  16. You can help, even if your not technologically inclined. Feel free to come up with creative means of exploiting this information. Faxes can be sent of any pornographic material deemed legal in the U.S.A., the more extreme, the better. These images can also be photoshopped to include senior members of the church. Phone numbers can be submitted to spam/marketing lead services, as well as flooded with traffic. The Phelps law office can be contacted with detailed fake cases, misdirecting their workload.
  17. The church practices excommunication of its younger members. If someone wanted to, they could convincingly attempt to engage in flirtatious or 'church-inappropriate' conversations with these members. It is safe to say that their excommunication practice is one of our most effect weapons at actually dismantling the organization.
  18. This contact info can be distributed across the internet even more then it already has been.
  19. Their youtube videos can be flagged for removal, as can the social networking pages of church members.
  20. Please remember that these people are fueled by negativity, only approach them with things that will be effective, not things they will feed on.
  21. Please remember that the @DearShirley twitter account, as well as the Westboro Baptist Church facebook page are currently under anonymous control, any attempt to harrass these sites will be ineffective at reaching members of the church.
  22. There is a meme circulating right now suggesting mailing them fecal matter. This is hilarious, however, very illegal.
  23. Please do not direct pornography to any member of the church under the age of 18. This is also hilarious, though illegal.
  24. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/ban-westboro-baptist-church-entering-boston-and-picketing-funerals-those-who-died-during-bombing/KbLlysdG > this is a petition to prevent them entering Boston. PLEASE, SIGN AND SHARE!!!
  25. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  27. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  28. http://opwestboro.pastebay.net/1221388
  29. http://piratepad.net/gPU6VpozYo > Active numbers inside as of 5/10
  30. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  31. -------#May8th - Unorganized #Hackathon - brief results
  32. -----------------5/8/2013 - 12:00amESt - 11:59PM EST
  33. http://www.phelpschartered.com > DDos + vandalism - still inactive as of 5/11
  34. http://www.godhatesfags.com > Vandalism - DDos fail
  35. #Tweetbomb - Tally - 862 - Responses from - @WBCSays and @WBCJael
  36. #Faxbomb - Line still dials busy as of 5/11
  37. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  38. -------#PhaseDuo - Structured #AttackTeams
  39. #OpWestboro - main hashtag to follow collectively. #PhaseDuo - Hashtag for second wave attack - Team hashes below
  40. -----------------6/5/2013
  41. ~~~#WBCTeamVandals - Vandalism and destruction specialists hashtag here to organize + share results with main hashtag
  42. ~~~#WBCTeamDDos - Those willing to single-lazer DDos or those with multiple/specialized DDos machines hashtag here
  43. ~~~#WBCTeamPrankster - Those able to provide phone harrassment, submit to marketers, schedule wakeup calls, capable of bulk sending faxes, or generating
  44. ~~~~~~material to be faxed/emailed/tweeted/ect, hashtag here
  45. ~~~#WBCTeamDoX - Hashtag here to spread or find DoX on WBC members
  46. ~~~#WBCTeamRetweet - Hashtag here to have posts retweeted by main @WestboroOps account + other op members, and retweet posts others have hashtagged here
  47. ~~~#WBCTeamIdentity - Those capable of using #WBCTeamDox findings to obtain identity related items (id's, passports, ccn's/banking, records, ect.)
  48. +++Firm Schedule for #PhaseDuo
  49. ++++++12:00amEST - #WBCTeamPrankster teams begin tweetbombs + emailflood + faxbombs + pm bombs > futuretweets and sendemailschedule set all to single time to build bombs
  50. ++++++12:00amEST - #WBCTeamVandals move in - 12 hour window before DDos
  51. ++++++04:00amEST - #WBCTeamPrankster - schedule exponential wakeup calls for this time
  52. ++++++04:00amEST - #WBCTeamPrankster - report fire to Topeka Fire Department at WBC compound
  53. ++++++12:00pmEST - #WBCTeamDDos move in - all sites are a single host except phelpschartered
  54. ++++++00:00xmEST - #OpWestboro - Report abusive childcare to Topeka Child Protective Services
  55. +++Other ideas for #PhaseDuo
  56. ++++++Topeka/Kansas natives - Mock protest against an imaginary funeral at WBC compound for Noah Phelps, complete with God Hates Noah signs
  57. Primary Phone targets:
  58. General Line: (785) 273-0325
  59. Fred W. Phelps Sr. cell phone (785) 272-4135 | 785-273-0338
  60. Fred Phelps, Jr./Betty Phelps (785) 273-0529 | 785-272-4135
  61. Benjamin Phelps (785) 273-0277 & (785) 273-1080 | (home) 785-233-4162–
  62. Shirley Phelps Roper (785) 272-8559 – 785-273-1445/273-0277/272-1619
  63. Charles Hockenbarger (785) 232-2485 – 785- 246-1567
  64. Phelps Family Law Office (785) 233-0766 –
  65. Secondary Phone targets (call when above lines are busy):
  66. Rebekah Phelps-Davis and Chris Davis-Phelps home: 785-272-7741
  67. Shirley’s work: 785-233-4162
  68. Jonathan and Paulette Phelps: home: 785-234-9694
  69. Abigail Phelps 785-273-7262
  70. Fax Offensive. I mean- fax offensive shit. Black is fine too. They will turn off the main lines, switch to secondary targets.
  71. Primary Fax Targets: Fax for Phelps Family Law Office (785) 969-9017
  72. Secondary Fax Targets: Fax for Charles Hockenbarger (785) 233-4162
  73. Free Fax sources:
  74. Images to Fax: http://i.imgur.com/Is0zX.jpg http://i.imgur.com/LpPKB.jpg
  75. Spam/attack these Twitter Accounts:
  76. @WBCSteve
  77. @DearShirley
  78. @MargieJPhelps
  79. @GodHatesU
  80. @GodSmacksU
  81. @GodShakes
  82. @WBCBlogs
  83. @AbiWBC
  84. @BroTimTim
  85. @WBCjael
  86. @FredPhelpsQuote
  87. @GODH8SCampaign
  88. @WBCJen
  89. @WBCLee
  90. @WBCVideo
  91. @WBCAudio
  92. @WBCsigns
  93. @WBCPhotos
  94. @WBCGran
  95. @WBCBecky
  96. @WBCpauletta
  97. @KJVMatt
  98. @GodHatesUK
  99. @WBCkat
  100. @VLPhelps
  101. @JabezPhelps
  102. @WBCLuci
  103. @TaylorDrain
  104. @RachelMii
  105. @WBCJon
  106. @Tachmonite
  107. @BettyWBC
  108. @WBCFredJr
  109. @WBCenEspanol
  111. For those of you who have email bombers or just want to send the fellow folks of WBC some lovely material to their domain email addresses please feel free to have it! More email will be provided as time goes by!
  112. idontreadthisemail@godhatesamerica.com
  113. pio@godhatesamerica.com
  114. r77t68@godhatesamerica.com
  115. Media.reply@godhatesamerica.com
  116. th8asluf@godhatesamerica.com
  117. idontcheckthisemail@godhatesamerica.com
  118. j56m01@godhatesamerica.com
  119. tr7gh4@godhatesamerica.com
  120. media.reply@godhatesamerica.com
  121. info@godhatesamerica.com
  122. admin@godhatessweden.com
  123. admin@priestsrapeboys.com
  124. phelps@godhatesireland.com
  125. just@godhatesireland.com
  126. +++++DDoS on the following targets:
  127. godistheterrorist.com
  128. godhatesthemedia.com
  129. signmovies.com
  130. signmovies.net
  131. fredthemovie.com
  132. hatemongers.com
  133. Americaisdoomed.com
  134. priestsrapeboys.com
  135. godhatesireland.com
  136. godhatesmexico.com
  137. thebeastobama.com
  138. yourpastorisafrak.com
  139. godhatestheworld.com
  140. We are Anonymous
  141. You Know the Rest...
  142. 1DrQQPkH3hxdPgJWFBm65GwwiHd5MBd5Zb

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