I was thinking..."
"Good. Thinking is a good thing to do."
I frown at her sarcastic interruption, making her laugh.
"As I was saying, I was thinking we could travel on our vacation."
"Traveling is boring."
"Did you ever travel in your life?" I ask her in an accusatory tone.
"Yes, of course I did," she replies, avoiding eye contact.
"I went... I went to the beach!" she continues, smiling.
"Yeah, sure you did," I roll my eyes: "come on, don't you think we deserve a break from college? It would be nice to chill out a bit."
"They said they are going to make us do a holiday project," she says, disappointedly looking at her knee-level drafting table.
"Okay then, never mind, it would be boring anyway," I comment while walking towards the door, hoping she will interrupt me.