You must have adequate available credit to purchase. Minimum monthly payments are required, but may not pay your purchase in full by the end of the promotional period due to purchase amount, promotion length, additional purchases or allocation of payments in excess of the minimum payment. Promotional financing features apply only to the amount purchased with the Dell Preferred Account. Qualifying for the Dell Preferred Account does not guarantee offer of promotional financing features. You must purchase this item with your Dell Preferred Account and must have adequate available credit to take advantage of this promotion. Taxes and shipping charges are extra, and vary. Dell cannot be responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves dell chromebook 11 3180 right to cancel orders arising dell chromebook 11 3180 such errors. Taxes and shipping charges are extra, and vary. Dell cannot be responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel orders arising from such errors. Taxes and shipping charges are extra, and vary. Dell cannot be responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel orders arising from such errors. Taxes and shipping charges are extra, and vary. Dell cannot be responsible for pricing or other errors, and reserves the right to cancel orders arising from such errors. Worry-free technology Small, dark and handsome: The textured black composite exterior offers a high-end look while resisting fingerprints and smudges, all in a compact design that's highly portable. Drop-resistant: Rounded corners with an impact-resistant base and lid help cushion your Chromebook from the hard knocks of daily life. Stay dry: The spill-resistant keyboard helps shield internal components so a little spill is no big deal. The convenience of Chrome Lightning fast: Your system rapidly responds to every command, thanks to the efficiency of the cloud-based Chrome operating system. Surprisingly simple: Your Chromebook is ready to go out of the box with the best of Google. Safe and secure: Your Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail and Photos are all safe in the cloud, no matter what happens to your machine. Plus, built-in anti-virus protection lets you roam the web without a worry. Go farther Easy on the eyes: The 11. Forget your charger: With up to 10 hours of battery life, you can leave your charger behind while you surf, stream and stay productive throughout the day. Get 24x7 support with everything from setting up your new system to using everyday software. With new features like SupportAssist, our experts will actually contact you if they detect an issue. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, Xeon Inside, and Intel Optane are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U. Per customer unit limits on discounted or promotional items apply. Dell reserves the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. Check My Account for your most up-to-date reward balance. Up to 6% rewards only on Dell Preferred Account purchases. Up to 3% rewards on all other purchases. Bose products only eligible for up to 3% rewards. Outlet purchases do not qualify for rewards. Taxes, shipping, and other charges are extra and vary. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. Dell Promotional eGift Cards arrive via email within 20 days from ship date. Expires in 90 days except where prohibited by law.