Activist got silenced by Facebook


DATE: Feb. 7, 2014, 7:30 p.m.

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HITS: 1527

  1. [Update] They now say up to 100 activists and anons have lost their accounts last 24 hrs [Update end]
  2. [Update]2 I have now information that puts teh number at over 1k. At a minimum 300 disabled accounts in Anon Florida [Update end]
  3. Global Pirate Party Activist Raymond Teh Johansen had his account disabled this morning for violating Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. He has no recent posts violating any of the rules. His last act was trying to stop government shills from destroying teh 10k #FreeAnakata page. The same persons are responsible for destroying several large Anonymous groups recently. His account:
  4. Raymond works on causes all over teh world trying to help all those oppressed and in danger. He fights against torture and for refugees. He also has been hunting pedofiles, right wing haters, and government shills. None of his activities are threatening or obscene. He always tries to conduct himself with a gentleman rules.
  5. Raymond is known for working on high profile causes like Freeanons, Free Barret Brown, Free Jeremy Hammond, and Pirate issues. He has been very vocal in all things relating to mass surveillance. His voice is one of those that are important to a large number of people fighting to keep our freedoms intact.
  6. He has a lot of very high profile friends in teh Pirate movement, Occupy and Anonymous. We consider this action a way to silence someone embarking on supporting Anakata with letters and books to a jailed brother. The co-founder of The Pirate Bay.
  7. We find this action by Facebook to be a gross misuse of the terms of service and pure sensorship. We urge Facebook to re-instate his account.
  8. Thank you for reading and Stay Frosty sisters and brothers in the fight for freedoms all over the world.
  9. #PirateParty #Anonymous #HCPP #Occupy #FreeAnons #FreeBarretBrown #PPUK #PPNO #PPDE #TPP #FreeAnakata

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