One of the popular anime from the Hunter X Hunter manga has just been released via the widescreen format at the end of last year with the title of Hunter X Hunter: The Last Mission. Unexpectedly, it turned out this anime earned pretty fantastic revenue.
Reporting from Yaraon! via Anime News Network, the former chief editor of the magazine published by Kadokawa Shoten Movie Walker reported that Hunter X Hunter: The Last Mission tickets sold as much as 130.993 to reap a profit of 158,031,050 yen, or about 1.8 million dollars in 258 cinemas.
The second film of Hunter X Hunter is a manga adaptation of one of the author Yoshihiro Togashi. The story itself will be centered on the history of the Hunter Association that has existed since the beginning of the manga volumes.
Hunter X Hunter: The Last Mission premiered in theaters in Japan on December 27, 2013. Earlier on January 12, 2013, their first big screen movie titled Hunter X Hunter the Movie: Phantom Rogue reportedly grabbed a very good response from the otaku in Japan.
Hunter X Hunter is one of the comparatively successful anime. Born in manga form in 1998, the series was first appointed as an animation in 1999. Thanks to the success they achieved it, Hunter X Hunter had experienced a reboot in 2011 ago.