Money mine

SUBMITTED BY: unbanmodz

DATE: July 3, 2016, 3:41 p.m.

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  1. Easy way to make decent cash
  2. Written By LordCoder HF
  3. 2015
  4. Introduction
  5. Welcome to this ebook and thanks for purchasing. I
  6. am going to explain an easy way to make a decent
  7. amount of cash with an easy setup.
  8. This money making method is based on a famous
  9. Spanish board called “”. This board
  10. requires an invitation to register there, which is
  11. usually given to old members there by the forum
  12. admin.
  13. People purchase those invitation links for $5-$15
  14. depending on the supply of them. We will post ads on
  15. a free website so that people can contact us and then
  16. receive their money.
  17. Note: This method is legal but could be a bit
  18. unethical. If you do not like this kind of money
  19. making method, then you should leave this ebook.
  20. Let’s start and build our method!
  21. Setting up the advertisement
  22. We will publish our advertisement on
  23., a free advertisement platform where
  24. anyone can post stuff there.
  25. Click on the following link here and choose on
  26. “Provincia” any of them. Then choose “OFERTA” on
  27. the next list and click “Siguiente”.
  28. Next step is building the ad itself. On “Título” put
  29. “Invitación a Forocoches” and on the description
  30. copy the following:
  31. “Vendo invitación a Forocoches a 5€. Pago por
  32. PayPal. Mantendré el anuncio mientras tenga
  33. invitaciones.”
  34. Remember that the price is in Euros. 1€ = 1.11 USD
  35. aprox.
  36. Put your PayPal email on the “Email” box.
  37. Finally, as product image put the following:
  38. That is the Forocoches logo, most ads use this image
  39. so just copy paste that logo.
  40. Result should be something like this:
  41. You will now have to wait some hours until anyone
  42. wants an invitation.
  43. The following step will be talking with the people
  44. interested in your advertisement. Now relax and wait
  45. for some message.
  46. Extra messages
  47. “Vendo invitaciones a Forocoches. Pagos por PayPal.
  48. Fácil y sencillo.”
  49. “Tengo invitaciones de Forocoches. Acepto PayPal.
  50. Precio negociable”
  51. “Invitación a Forocoches. Foro más grande de España.
  52. Se acepta PayPal”
  53. Receiving emails
  54. This platform does not allow direct messages; instead,
  55. it notifies you so you can email them.
  56. You can send them the following email:
  57. Hola buenas,
  58. Para recibir la invitación, envíame 5€ a [your
  59. paypal email here]. Envíamelo como
  60. amigo/familiar ya que así no hay que pagar
  61. impuestos y es directo. Dime tu dirección de
  62. email para enviar la invitación.
  63. Gracias y un saludo.
  64. This message tells them to send you 5 euro to your
  65. PayPal as gift so they cannot reverse it.
  66. Just copy paste it on all your messages and someone
  67. will send 5 euro (or more if you put it) when you send
  68. that message back.
  69. How-to: Renew your ad every day!
  70. Every 24 hours you may need to renew your ad. That
  71. is because MilAnuncios has the option to renew
  72. between all of the ads.
  73. To do that, go to here and put the information they
  74. have emailed you (password).
  75. You can manage messages there too if you prefer.

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