journalist censorship in latin america


DATE: Feb. 3, 2014, 9:48 p.m.

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  1. Forty journalists from six countries in Latin America were killed in 2010 in various criminal acts against journalists. This exceeds the 32 crimes recorded last 2009 in eight nations of the American continent journalists.
  2. The six countries where murders of journalists in Latin America were made are:
  3. Mexico , 17 journalists killed
  4. Honduras , 10 journalists killed
  5. Colombia 7 journalists killed
  6. Brazil , 2 journalists killed
  7. Ecuador , 2 journalists killed
  8. Guatemala , 2 journalists killed
  9. The countries with the highest number of journalists killed in the decade have been Mexico , Colombia and Honduras , with figures exceeding those of other countries , as they have found a number of international , government , unions and NGOs.
  10. In a high percentage has tried to executions and attacks by armed gunmen and called cartels , faced in their attempts to exercise control over their clandestine bands markets .
  11. Honduras has been a special case , where the political struggle took turns criminal violence apparently been overcome . According to reports from journalists' organizations in Honduras the murders occurred during the government of Porfirio Lobo , who took office on January 27, 2010 , after months of violence unleashed after the coup that ousted President Manuel Zelaya.
  12. In November 2010, the Executive Secretary of the Latin American Federation of Journalists (CIAP - FELAP ), Ernesto Carmona, requested the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights of the United Nations investigate especially disrespect for human rights in Honduras . The petitioner was the eXchange International Freedom of Expression in Latin America and the Caribbean ( IFEX -ALC) network.
  13. Meanwhile the Federation of Journalists in Latin America and the Caribbean ( FEPALC ) noted that " these have been 12 months journalism in an environment of abuse and persecution, precarious working conditions, layoffs and closing of media " .

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