No bootable medium found


DATE: Jan. 26, 2019, 1:26 a.m.

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HITS: 263

  1. No bootable medium found
  2. =>
  3. I followed BillG's advice exactly but still came up with the error upon start. Site Moderator Posts: 28116 Joined: 4. Whenever I start it, I get a blue screen asking to press F12 to select a boot device.
  4. So it's not installed yet, and those commands seem to be Linux commands. Description and Symptoms The error messages, alerts, warnings, and symptoms below are tied to this error. I don't have any preconceptions whatsoever.
  5. In boot menu, stroll down to Diagnostic and then click it. Choose your storage detail and click Next button. I do not enable pass through to use a disc in the drive. Anybody having any ideas on this.? I thought it created the image on my physical hard disk. You could try using the F12 key during boot to see if you can get a Boot Device menu and see if the drive or a Windows Boot Manager is available. There are a lot of question on stackoverflow with the similar title. I followed BillG's advice exactly but still came up with the error upon start. I get various messages depending on the file that I try to open. Why is my virtual disk still not bootable? Sin embargo este problema tambiƩn se puede presentar en otros tipos de escenarios. Choose the type of file that you want to use for virtual disk and click Next button.
  6. NO BOOTABLE DEVICE FOUND - I've been running Virtualbox 4. Sorry it took a while to get back to you.
  7. I just downloaded VirtualBox 5. I also reviewed the user's manual but couldn't find the error or associated troubleshooting recommendations. Can someone please provide some feedback. I definitely need this to work. VirtualBox creates virtual computers and just like any computers, you need to install an operating system on it. Then you'll be able to boot and continue. As you were told above, it is pretty much the same on a vm. Sorry it took a while to get back to you. It shows my thumb drive name and is checked. Since my machine is a MacBook, I am unsure how to boot. I get various messages depending on the file that I try to open. I tried reading through the user's manual, but I'm still a bit confused. I tried attaching a couple of screenshots so you can see my current settings and the files currently on my thumb drive, but the no bootable medium found are too big. After trying to resize them to the max of 128Kb, the files become too blurry. Sep 2015, 17:59 Why this obsession with thumb drives. Open the settings of your vm and go to the storage section. Is it located somewhere else. I tried looking for it. I have no idea what that sentence means. Put your preconceptions aside and read and follow his instructions carefully. Site Moderator Posts: 28116 Joined: 4. I don't have any preconceptions whatsoever. Just getting a bit frustrated with the issues I'm having, especially since I'm pretty technical. Maybe I need to be clearer with my explanations. I followed BillG's advice exactly but still came up with the error upon start. Another small screen appears showing that the settings saved. I no bootable medium found click Start but get the black screen and associated error message same as original. Hopefully, this clears things up. If it's easier, I can send my screenshots via email if you provide it. Sep 2015, 17:59 So, you have not followed BillG's instructions. You currently have it mapped to a host drive. Site Moderator Posts: 28116 Joined: 4. Another small screen appears showing that the settings saved. I then click Start but get the black screen and associated error message same as original. Also, there should be no refernece to Host Drive at all.

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