all jhonsons


DATE: April 10, 2017, 10:21 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 532

  1. Al Johnson, chief of security for the Pentagon City Mall, told
  2. Newsbytes on Monday, November 9th: "No one said that we were acting
  3. on behalf of the Secret Service. We were merely enforcing our
  4. regulations. While the group was not disruptive, it had pulled
  5. tables together and was having a meeting in our food court area.
  6. The food court is for people eating and is not for meetings. We
  7. therefore asked the people to leave."
  8. On the same day, Johnson was quoted was quoted in a Communications
  9. Daily article by Brock Meeks as saying, "As far as I'm concerned,
  10. we're out of this. The Secret Service, the FBI, they're the ones
  11. that ramrodded this whole thing."
  12. Newsbytes contacted Meeks to discuss the discrepancies in the stories and
  13. was informed that the conversation with Johnson had been taped and was
  14. available for review. This Newsbytes reporter listened to the tape (and
  15. reviewed a transcript). On the tape, Johnson was clearly heard to make the
  16. statement quoted by Meeks.
  17. He also said, "maybe you ought to call the Secret Service. They're
  18. handling this whole thing. We, we were just here," and, in response
  19. to a Meeks question about a Secret Service contact, "Ah.. you know,
  20. I don't have a contact person. These people were working on their
  21. own, undercover, we never got any names, but they definitely, we saw
  22. identification, they were here."

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