Best Earning Bitcoins Limited Time


DATE: Aug. 14, 2014, 4:38 p.m.

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HITS: 605

  1. Quick Guide! How to earn with the new ALTcoin called CAPTcoin
  2. 1} download CAPTcoin wallet or go to signup and Request a CAPT address going to your balance)
  3. 2) NOW GO to and paste your address and solve captchas very easy. For solving the captcha you'll get 1 CAPTcoin w(It's value increases daily I recommend keeping them Until end of distribution they will be worth a lot more)
  4. CAPTcoins are currently worth about 0.0001 Bitcoin each on coin-swap. At 20 seconds per CAPTcoin, you can get 94.5 CAPTcoins per hour (with referral bonus and no wrong captchas). At 0.0001 BTC/CAPT, that's 0.00945 BTC. At $580USD/BTC that's ~$5.50/hour. This is already a decent wage (considering how easy it is) if you plan to sell at current prices. With mistakes you can reasonable expect to make $5+/hour.
  5. My advice? Hold the CAPTcoins. In less than 2 weeks the reward from doing captchas will be cut in half, and CAPTcoins are sure to rise in value. The longer you hold, the higher the potential payout (and the higher risk you take). But even if you want to cash out now, $5+/hour isn't so bad.
  6. TIPS:
  7. DO NOT MESS UP A CAPTCHA (reload the captcha if you're not 100% sure), you cannot submit faster than every 20 seconds anyway, get the captchas right so you don't have to start over. (180 per hour, 94.5 CAPTcoin per hour)
  8. If you're not good at math, have a calculator ready. Can you do (9 + 4) * 9 in your head?
  9. Do Swagbucks activities at the same time! Some captchas are easy, and eventually you'll get better and faster. If you have a few seconds left before you can submit the captcha, click "Next Page" on Jun's Encrave, start the next video on SBTV, etc. Don't forget to listen to RadioLoyalty (6SB/hour) at the same time!
  10. You get a 5% bonus to earnings if you sign up through a referral link

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