Wheel of Fortune Ruleset


DATE: Dec. 22, 2013, 2:59 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 3.8 kB

HITS: 1509

  3. RULES:
  4. Each contestant is designated a color: Red, yellow, or blue.
  5. At the start of each round, a puzzle is revealed with a blank corresponding to each letter in the puzzle. Any punctuation is revealed at the start of the round. A category is given for the puzzle (e.g. Phrase, On the Map, Clue, etc.).
  6. A different player is designated to begin each round. Regardless of who wins the previous round, the player who has red starts rounds 1 and 4, yellow starts 2 and 5, and blue starts 3 and 6. There will be at least 4 rounds during a game, and possibly 7 or 8 rounds depending on how fast each puzzle is solved.
  7. During a player's turn, they can either spin the Wheel (by providing a number 1-24), buy a vowel (provided they have 250 satoshis with which to do so), or solve the puzzle.
  8. If a player spins the wheel:
  9. If they land on a satoshi value: they call a letter that they think is in the puzzle (vowels excluded). If it is in the puzzle, the player earns the satoshi value they landed on times the number of times the letter shows up in the puzzle. Otherwise (or if the player calls a letter already called), play passes to the next player.
  10. If they land on Lose a Turn: Play immediately passes to the next player.
  11. If they land on Bankrupt: Same as Lose a Turn, but the current player's bank is also wiped out.
  12. Other special wedges will be explained as they come up.
  13. Top value on the Wheel increases as the game continues:
  14. Round 1 features a top value of 1,000 satoshi
  15. Round 2 - 2,500 satoshi
  16. Round 3 - 3,500 satoshi
  17. Round 4+ - 5,000 satoshi
  18. At any point (except immediately after spinning the wheel, before a letter has been called), a player can elect to solve the puzzle. If they solve correctly, their winnings from the round are banked, and not susceptible to Bankrupt. The balances of the other two players are wiped out, although winnings from prior rounds are safe.
  19. At any point after the end of Round 3, a Final Spin of the game can be called. There is a 20% chance that Round 4 will begin with the Final Spin; this chance increases as the rounds continue. When the Final Spin is called, the host spins the wheel (by declaring a number, as usual). The amount landed on plus 1,000 satoshis is the value of each consonant in this final round. Vowels are free, but are worth nothing. The player in control at the time of the Final Spin starts by calling a letter. If the letter is in the puzzle, it is revealed like usual. Otherwise, play passes on.
  20. If a letter is revealed, the player then has 10 seconds to declare their intent to solve or pass. If they choose to solve, they have 20 seconds in which to provide a response, otherwise, it counts as a pass. If the player does not solve the puzzle, play passes on.
  21. After the end of the round with the Final Spin, the totals from each round are added up. The player with the highest total WINS the game, and moves on to the Bonus Round. The other players keep their totals.
  22. The winning player starts the bonus round by picking a letter from the word WHEEL. This determines the amount of satoshis that the player will play for (from 20,000 - 50,000 satoshis), although this value is not revealed until after the answer to the final puzzle is revealed.
  23. The player is shown one final puzzle and its category, and is given the letters R, S, T, L, N, and E in the puzzle, if they're there. The player may then call three more consonants and one more vowel, which are then revealed (if they are in the puzzle). The player then has 25 seconds to solve the puzzle for the bonus round satoshi; otherwise, they leave with their winnings from the main game.

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