The company also unveiled a passive-monitoring feature to detect irregular heart rhythms and extended this capability to most older Apple Watch models. Installation may take longer than you think it should—we recommend updating while you sleep. Apple will have to apply for and receive approval from medical regulatory agencies in other countries before it can make the features more widely available. When the user touches the Digital Crown with a fingertip, an electrical circuit is completed and heart signals are measured, which takes about 30 seconds. It then prompts you to open the Health app on your iPhone. The first step is entering your date of birth. For me, this worked without a hitch. As instructed, I made sure my watch os 5 1 2 fit snugly on my left wrist, rested my arms on a flat surface, and held my right index fingertip to the Digital Crown. According to the app, I checked out fine. Tap the chart at the top. The original Apple Watch is left out, though. So then he had the idea that licking his finger before placing it on the crown might allow for better connectivity. Make sure that your wrist and hands are thoroughly dry before attempting a reading. To ensure the best reading after swimming, showering, heavy perspiration, or washing your hands. It may take up to one hour for your Apple Watch to completely dry. The baseline was amazingly wobbly, even worse than one I tried in bed with my watch arm unsupported. Also: where could one find info. Perhaps call apple care to find out. But at least he knew that, and the doctor could confirm it. And good luck to you too, Tommy. Keep wearing your Apple Watches, both of you. Shouldice were right to have a cardiologist review it, surgery being the trauma to the body it is. But at least he knew that, and the doctor could confirm it. To begin with, I absolutely hate wearing watches; except for periods of employment or athletics when it was necessary, I have always preferred clocks or pocket watches. The very first day I wore the Series 3, I got seven notifications of elevated heart rate over 140bpm at rest. Lost a bunch of weight. Since my heart otherwise checked out as being perfectly healthy, we agreed I could wait for Series 4, and I ordered day one trade-in value was excellent for my pristine Series 3. And how many of us have been reading TidBits since the early 90s. Pushing thirty years soon; crazy. Nothing on my wrists or fingers. But I was having weird heart issues this fall, due to my thyroid being under-dosed. As I said, not only did it help with cardiac watch os 5 1 2, it has absolutely delivered that value and more by getting me working out more consistently again. I keep filing bug reports and feature requests; hopefully next Fall they will relent.