#opBOYCOTTisrael TwitterStorm Kit


DATE: Nov. 10, 2013, 10:46 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 44.9 kB

HITS: 1153

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  7. #opBOYCOTTisrael InfoStorm: Saturday ~ November 9th ~ 8p-9p Eastern time
  8. (5p PST, 6p MST, 7p CST)
  9. Sunday ~ November 10th ~ 01:00 GMT, 3a Gaza
  10. 5a Moscow, 12p Sydney
  11. Countdown Clock: bit.ly/1cTvH36
  12. =========================================================================
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  18. 1. Intro
  19. 2. Downloads & Resources (English & Arabic)
  20. 3. Tweets with Images (English)
  21. Tweets - Deutsch
  22. - Español
  23. - Français
  24. - Italiano
  25. - Japanese 日本人
  26. - Português
  27. 4. Articles to Tweet (English)
  28. 5. Targets: Corporations profiting off Israeli Apartheid
  29. 6. For More Info, Follow
  30. 6. Images - English
  31. - Français
  32. - Turkish
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  38. For years, Israel has played the victim while slaughtering and ethnically cleansing our brothers and sisters in Palestine. It is up to us to take a stand against this injustice: to say NO to Israel apartheid, NO to ethnic cleansing, and NO to the crimes that Israel continues to commit against the Palestinian people, by boycotting products that fund the IDF – the Israeli Defense Forces – and its murderous occupation.
  39. In the wake of the declaration of the Israeli state in 1948, Zionist forces invaded hundreds of Palestinian villages, expelled their residents, and perpetrated a series of massacres and atrocities that ethnically cleansed more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands. In the last seven decades of Zionist oppression, millions of Palestinians have been living in hell on earth – denied even their most basic human rights by Israeli occupiers who have taken their land, their livelihoods and their lives, while the U.S. government and its allies have ignored both Palestinian appeals for justice and international condemnation of Israeli crimes.
  40. It costs money to bankroll occupation and oppression, though, and we need to hit the occupiers where it hurts – using disinvestment as a tool to undermine the cash that bankrolls Palestinian oppression. A growing number of religious and political projects across the planet are embracing disinvestment as a form of economic pressure against Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. Disinvestment works – the strategy played a potent role in dismantling apartheid in South Africa and it can work to dismantle Israeli apartheid in Palestine, too.
  41. The global movement for boycotts, divestment and sanctions – BDS – has sparked a growing campaign of actions that range from pickets to force retailers to stop selling Israeli products to consumer pressure from faith-based groups and trade unions. The BDS movement has one central goal – to undermine the economic base that funds Israeli apartheid. The consumer boycott has a proven track record: a fifth of Israeli exporters reported a drop in demand as a result of the boycott in the wake of Israel’s 2010 Gaza massacre. For more information on divestment visit www.bdsmovement.net and www.whoprofits.org.
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  47. #OpBoycottIsrael Care Package 3.0 | Updated Nov 2013 | English & Arabic
  48. =============================================================
  49. Info on how to get and stay connected to the internet in Arabic and English. This care package has been updated to include PDF guides on reusable energy alternatives - How to make a bicycle-powered generator & a solar-powered oven - as well as on how to use software like Jabber and the Tor Browser to better ensure privacy online.
  50. ** Download (Updated November 2013)
  51. https://shmooplak6vqaquu.onion.to/Palestine/carepackage/OpBoycottIsrael_CarePackage_3.0.zip
  52. ** Online: How to use Jabber with OTR and the Tor Browser (English - Arabic coming soon)
  53. http://pastebin.com/Ya4RL4Mf
  55. Based on:
  56. ** Online: OpIsrael Care Package 2.0 (From November 2012)
  57. http://www.wikileaks-forum.com/whistleblowing/486/help-to-spread-this-info-keep-people-connected-gazaunderattack-gaza/16041/
  58. ** Online: TELECOMIX GAZA INFORMATION (From November 2012) - Connecting and using the internet / Gaza dialup numbers
  59. http://pastebin.com/6dYQruHu
  60. ** PR 101 - A step-by-step guide to building media lists, writing and sending press releases, and using social media promotions (English) via @OCPress
  61. www.tinyurl.com/omwmedia
  62. ** 5 Broken Cameras
  63. Documentary about the crimes that are committed within Gaza, Palestine
  64. ======================================================================
  65. Download: https://shmooplak6vqaquu.onion.to/Palestine/5%20Broken%20Cameras.avi
  66. Online: http://viooz.co/movies/15366-5-broken-cameras-2011.html
  67. http://www.ovguide.com/5-broken-cameras-9202a8c04000641f8000000020868513
  68. ** The Case For Cultural & Academic Boycott Of Israel
  69. A Palestine Solidarity Campaign film | http://www.palestinecampaign.org
  70. =======================================================================
  71. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPvV8QZE35w
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  77. ==================================================================
  78. Saturday ~ November 9th ~ 8p-9p Eastern time
  79. (5p PST, 6p MST, 7p CST)
  80. Sunday ~ November 10th ~ 01:00 GMT, 3a Gaza
  81. 5a Moscow, 12p Sydney
  82. =============================================
  83. Instructions:
  84. Copy + Paste these tweets. If you are writing your own tweets, make sure to include the #opBOYCOTTisrael or #FreePalestine hashtags. Although we are not "trending" a new hashtag today, we hope to spread the message of economic actions against Israel far and wide.
  85. =============================================
  86. Divest from Israel! Use economic pressure to force the Israeli government to stop human rights abuses http://www.bdsmovement.net @BDSmovement
  87. Boycott Israel - Avoid Products With Barcode Starting With 729 pic.twitter.com/losXaa0k4F #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  88. Israel Kills Palestinian Children (Warning Graphic) pic.twitter.com/8uVxXChp37 #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  89. #Gaza #Palestine Youth Send Message 2 #BDS Activists http://youtu.be/-kLj-6R-ukc via @Pi303666 #BOYCOTT #apartheid
  90. Zionists @UniteWithIsrael say these Co.s most support Israel: @LOrealParisUSA @CaterpillarInc @google @Microsoft http://unitedwithisrael.org/major-international-companies-support-israel
  91. L’Oreal (@LOrealUSACorp): Makeup for Israeli Apartheid! | http://www.bdsmovement.net/2008/l%E2%80%99oreal-makeup-for-israeli-apartheid-231 | pic.twitter.com/W11VajnDaU #opBoycottIsrael
  92. #FF @occpal and keep up to date with #GazaUnderAttack twitterlist: https://twitter.com/occpal/lists/gazaunderattack
  93. Colorado @RepDLamborn asked European Union to stop economic sanctions against Israel http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/278441#.UncnXhC3XDc #FreePalestine
  94. THIS IS NOT WAR - THIS IS GENOCIDE! pic.twitter.com/ZwAXznMx7f #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  95. WHICH CORPORATIONS are profiting from the Israeli occupation? http://www.whoprofits.org @Who_Profits #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  96. STOLEN BEAUTY: Ahava (@AHAVA_US) Made by Israeli profiteers in occupied Palestine pic.twitter.com/l0x9BMsk3F via @BoycottAhava #opBOYCOTTisrael
  97. SUPPORT Palestinian community activist Rasmea Yousef Odeh, Detroit court date 11/13/13 http://www.stopfbi.net/sign-petition-rasmea-odeh #FreePalestine
  98. Rasmea Odeh is charged w/ immigration fraud for allegedly not reporting arrest in Palestine 45 yrs ago
  99. http://www.stopfbi.net/events/11-13-13/rasmeas-court-date-nov-13-please-hold-support-rallies #FreePalestine
  100. The UN and overall international community have banned chemical weapons. White Phosphorus is a CW. #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  101. Caterpillar @CaterpillarInc sells bulldozers to Israel, who weaponizes them & destroys West Bank homes pic.twitter.com/PizlnZmWVK #FreePalestine
  102. Thurs 11/7, Israel Detained 25 Palestinian Activists Over Facebook Posts via @MaanNewsAgency http://bit.ly/1d4aWSm | pic.twitter.com/yEWF8Q6cFn
  103. At least 1,397 Palestinian Children Killed by Israel Since 2000 pic.twitter.com/ViWwDDoI7C #FreePalestine #OpBOYCOTTisrael
  104. Don't believe genocide is okay? Boycott Israeli products. http://i.imgur.com/r5wlMA8.jpg #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  105. Boycott Israeli Apartheid - 2013 List of Companies to Boycott http://www.buycott.com/campaign/302/boycott-israeli-apartheid-for-freedom-justice-equality #opBOYCOTTisrael via @BuycottApp
  106. Every day, Gazans face the uncertainty of making it to night. #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  107. #FreePalestine #FreePalestine #FreePalestine #FreePalestine #FreePalestine #FreePalestine #FreePalestine pic.twitter.com/WcrKL2U6W
  108. A child dead of burns from white phosphorus. How would you feel if this was your child? http://i.imgur.com/HPwJtEQ.jpg #FreePalestine
  109. #FF Israel detained 25 Palestinian activists over Facebook posts http://bit.ly/1d4aWSm Subscribe to Tweeps from Gaza http://bit.ly/HDfKDO
  110. Stephen Hawking's boycott hits Israel where it hurts http://www.theguardian.com/science/political-science/2013/may/13/stephen-hawking-boycott-israel-science via @guardian #opBOYCOTTisrael
  111. Five reasons why Hawking is right to boycott Israel http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/05/20135953058699815.html via @AJEnglish #FreePalestine
  112. DO NOT BUY PRODUCTS FROM COMPANIES THAT SUPPORT ISRAELI APARTHEID pic.twitter.com/cpwkuteHwt www.inminds.com #opBOYCOTTisrael
  113. Nestlé @Nestle builds on stolen Palestinian lands http://www.shoah.org.uk/2012/08/14/nestles-investment-in-zionism/ | pic.twitter.com/OvoTTwanxq #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  114. Israeli Soldiers Terrorize Palestinian Girl - All children deserve to live free from this kind of fear! pic.twitter.com/AIQyIcMA6a #FreePalestine
  115. Israel arrests up to 700 Palestinian children each year. Up to 94% are held in pre-detention pic.twitter.com/Cc3IBHIZ5K #FreePalestine
  116. Because THIS is abuse of power, not self-defense. http://i.imgur.com/27ou8Dn.jpg #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  117. "Deep in my heart I never have any doubt that Palestine tomorrow will be free" - Maher Zain pic.twitter.com/NZizFJPO19 #FreePalestine
  118. Americans - wake up! How would you feel if this were done to us? http://i.imgur.com/aD8FY0F.jpg #FreePalestine
  119. IDF Soldier Holds Child at Gunpoint - Israel is a WAR CRIMINAL! pic.twitter.com/HbSWSt0TY9 #FreePalestine
  120. If Israel isn't committing any crimes why are they trying to buy Palestinian's silence?
  121. http://pressreleases.religionnews.com/2013/10/10/take-money-quiet-say-anti-bds-groups-palestine/ #opBOYCOTTisrael
  122. Official: Israel to demolish homes of over 15,000 East Jerusalemites | http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=643164 | #FreePalestine
  123. Israel destroys homes with @CaterpillarInc, @Hyundai equipment http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/video-distraught-villagers-watch-israel-destroys-homes-caterpillar-hyundai via @intifada #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  124. Human Rights: One Struggle, One Fight pic.twitter.com/0BfaYSYI5a #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  125. No child should be used as a human shield. The IDF thinks otherwise: http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg #FreePalestine
  126. The Israeli diamond industry contributes ~$1 billion annually to the Israeli military pic.twitter.com/TDjjbygLzF #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  127. Palestinians in Gaza are under siege on all four sides, being bombed from air, sea, & land. This is not war, this is genocide #FreePalestine
  128. Scoreboard of Israeli Human Right Abuses pic.twitter.com/ZSiHlEysx3 #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  129. Over 90% of Gaza's water is contaminated because Israel continues to deny Palestinians human rights. http://i.imgur.com/5xI63wX.jpg #FreePalestine
  130. VIDEO Pink Floyd's Roger Waters says Boycott Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8NrOkYOWXM |Article http://articles.latimes.com/2013/aug/20/entertainment/la-et-ms-roger-waters-musicians-boycott-israel-20130820 #opBOYCOTTisrael
  131. Israel Defense Force: Keeping Israel Safe From Little Girls Since 1948 pic.twitter.com/wvh0VZozqV #FreePalestine
  132. Fact: Every Israeli settlement built on Palestinian land is a WAR CRIME under international law. http://i.imgur.com/NWnJhMA.jpg #FreePalestine
  133. Clean Water is a Basic Human Right #FreeGaza #FreePalestine pic.twitter.com/I3ChNPxNfr @opBOYCOTTisrael
  134. Is this what you call brave soldiers? This is the Zionist Israel's IDF: http://i.imgur.com/r67W2Oc.jpg #WarCriminals #FreePalestine
  135. BOYCOTT 729! A barcode starting with "729" indicates the product is produced in Israel http://www.inminds.com/boycott-news-0073.html #FreePalestine
  136. If You Want Two States, Support BDS: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/10/16/if-you-want-two-states-support-bds.html #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  137. 8000 Palestinian children have been illegaly detained, tortured, and tried in military courts since 2000. http://i.imgur.com/u3vcOl0.jpg #FreePalestine
  138. What if this was your child? pic.twitter.com/wDqIVWNzny #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  139. "My opposition to the boycott is unyielding" ~ @RepDLamborn http://chpponline.blogspot.com/2011/09/chpp-on-capitol-hill-this-week-volume.html #FreePalestine
  140. Boycott the companies that support Israeli apartheid and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. http://i.imgur.com/yjxCKQT.jpg #FreePalestine
  141. Did your diamond pay for this? http://imgur.com/ef1BLxB | pic.twitter.com/8QkUJ1HYwP #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  142. Let the world know we are watching, and that Israel's war crimes against Palestine will longer be tolerated. #FreePalestine
  143. What if it was the USA Instead of Palestine? pic.twitter.com/f2bJbUmPN2 #FreePalestine
  144. Throw out those Motorola gadgets, they are funding the genocide of Palestine by funding the IDF. http://www.inminds.com/boycott-motorola.php #FreePalestine
  145. Hewlett-Packard @HP is instrumental in the Israeli military’s communications & logistics pic.twitter.com/Q9KpitYuXe #opBOYCOTTisrael
  146. Long Live Palestine, Long Live Gaza. http://i.imgur.com/p1SWtxT.jpg #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  148. RT @BoycottAhava "Boycott these 6 companies that support Israeli brutality http://ow.ly/qt7fX #Ahava #SodaStream #BDS" #opBOYCOTTisrael
  149. Israel has violated and ignored over 60 UN resolutions, how much longer will we let them slap us in the face? #EndZionism #FreePalestine
  150. VIDEO: Australian universities begin to boycott Israel, via @Press_TV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8NrOkYOWXM #opBOYCOTTisrael
  151. There is no war between Israel and Palestine, only the genocide of Palestinians. http://i.imgur.com/4C1ibDU.jpg #FreePalestine
  152. IDF Uses White Phosphorous Bombs to Incinerate Palestinian Children (Warning Graphic) pic.twitter.com/uirLpChNCs #FreePalestine
  153. Boycott Israeli Apartheid - List of Companies to Boycott (2012) http://www.inminds.com/boycott-israel-2012.php #opBOYCOTTisrael
  154. 8 THOUSAND Palestinian Children Have Been Imprisoned by Israel Since 2000 pic.twitter.com/rSkRdFYovl #FreePalestine
  155. Israel detains Palestinian journalists to censor crimes against Palestinians http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=638121 #FreePalestine via @MaanNewsAgency
  156. Gaza man killed by Israeli artillery near Khan Younis, another injured | http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=643263 | #FreePalestine via @MaanNewsAgency
  157. Is this what the IDF calls Brave? Pointing their guns at Palestinian children? http://i.imgur.com/dknhXju.jpg #FreePalestine
  158. Deutsch
  159. =======
  160. Boykottiert Israel - Vermeidet Produkte die mit dem Barcode 729 beginnen zu kaufen. pic.twitter.com/aN8tWZgWx0 #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  161. Es sollten keine Kinder als menschliches Schutzschild verwendet werden Die IDF sieht es anders http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg #FreePalestine
  162. Israel zerstört Häuser mit Ausrüstung von @CaterpillarInc, @Hyundai http://bit.ly/Ta4xLB via @intifada #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  163. Kaufen keine Produkte von Unternehmen, die die israelische Apartheid unterstützen! pic.twitter.com/D0OTIlwrKc www.inminds.com #opBOYCOTTisrael
  164. Dies ist keine Selbstverteidigung, dies ist missbrauch von Macht! http://i.imgur.com/27ou8Dn.jpg #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  165. Was wäre wenn dies ihr kind wäre? pic.twitter.com/PLX7QYJsWE #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  166. Fünf Gründe warum Hawking richtig liegt mit dem Boykott von Israel http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/05/20135953058699815.html
  167. Make-up für israelische Apartheid! | http://www.bdsmovement.net/2008/l%E2%80%99oreal-makeup-for-israeli-apartheid-231 #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  168. Español
  169. =======
  170. Boicot a Israel - Evite los productos con códigos de barras que comienzan con 729 pic.twitter.com/JpzoX869Cs #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  171. Ningún niño debe ser utilizado como escudo humano. El ejército IDF piensa de otra manera: http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg #FreePalestine
  172. Israel destruye hogares con equipamiento @CaterpillarInc, @Hyundai http://bit.ly/Ta4xLBvia // @intifada #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  173. Français
  174. ========
  175. BOYCOTT 729! Un code-barres commençant par «729» indique que le produit est fabriqué en Israël http://www.inminds.com/boycott-news-0073.html #FreePalestine
  176. Désinvestir Israël! Utilisez la pression économique pour forcer le gouvernement israélien à mettre fin aux violations des droits humains.
  177. Français, Belges, Réveillez-vous ! Comment vous sentiriez-vous si vous étiez à leur place? #FreePalestine #OpBOYCOTTisrael
  178. Parce qu'il s'agit d'un abus de pouvoir, pas d'auto-défense. http://i.imgur.com/27ou8Dn.jpg #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  179. Cinq raisons pour lesquelles Hawking a raison de boycotter Israël. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/05/20135953058699815.html #FreePalestine #OpBOYCOTTisrael
  180. La communauté internationale et l'ONU en général ont interdit les armes chimiques. Le phosphore blanc en est une. #FreePalestine
  181. Quelles sociétés profitent de l'occupation israélienne? http://www.whoprofits.org/ #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  182. Italiano
  183. ========
  184. Boicottate Israele - evitate i prodotti con codice a barre che comincino con 729
  185. Nessun bambino o bambina dev'essere utilizzata come scudo umano. L' IDF la pensa il altro modo: http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg #FreePalestine
  186. Israele distrugge case con le macchine @CaterpillarInc, @Hyundai http://bit.ly/Ta4xLB via @intifada #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  187. Japanese 日本人
  188. ==============
  189. イスラエルをボイコットしよう!729で始まるバーコードの製品を絶対買わないようにしましょう。http://t.co/VPAfKpuEIO #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  190. 子供を人間の盾にするのを許されない。そう思いませんか? イスラエルの軍人はそう思わない。http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg #FreePalestine
  191. イスラエルが@CaterpillarIncと @Hyundaiの重機を使って、人の家を滅ぼしています。http://bit.ly/Ta4xLB via @intifada #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  193. ==========
  194. L’Oreal (@LOrealUSACorp): Maquiagem para o #Apartheid israelense: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2008/l%E2%80%99oreal-makeup-for-israeli-apartheid-231 | #BoycottIsrael #FreePalestine
  195. Boicotem 729! Um código de barras que começa com "729" indica que o produto é fabricado em Israel http://www.inminds.com/boycott-news-0073.html #FreePalestine
  196. Use a pressão econômica para forçar o governo israelense parar os abusos dos direitos humanos http://www.bdsmovement.net Siga @BDSmovement #opBOYCOTTisrael
  197. Isso não é guerra. Isso é genocídio! pic.twitter.com/ZwAXznMx7f #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  198. 1,397 crianças palestinas mortas por Israel desde 2000. pic.twitter.com/ViWwDDoI7C #FreePalestine #OpBOYCOTTisrael Siga: @DCIPalestine
  199. Qual as corporações estão lucrando com a ocupação israelense? http://www.whoprofits.org/ @Who_Profits #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  200. Boicote Israel - Evite produtos com código de barras que começam com 729 pic.twitter.com/JpzoX869Cs #FreePalestine #opBOYCOTTisrael
  201. Nenhuma criança deve ser usada como escudo humano. O exército IDF pensa de outra forma: http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg #FreePalestine
  202. Israel destrói casas com equipamento @CaterpillarInc, @Hyundai http://bit.ly/Ta4xLBvia // @intifada #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
  203. Israel mata crianças palestinas! pic.twitter.com/8uVxXChp37 #opBOYCOTTisrael #FreePalestine
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  209. 11/1/13 - Visualizing Palestine: Where The Law Stands On The Wall: http://beyondcompromise.com/2013/11/01/visualizing-palestine-where-the-law-stands-on-the-wall/ via @BCompromise
  210. 11/1/13 Israeli forces open fire on protests across West Bank, injuring dozens: http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=643425
  211. 10/31/13 - Official: Israel to demolish homes of over 15,000 East Jerusalemites: http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=643164 via @MaanNewsAgency
  212. 10/31/13 - Gaza man killed by Israeli artillery near Khan Younis, another injured: http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=643263 via @MaanNewsAgency
  213. 10/28/13 - Palestinians Call for Economic Boycott of Israeli Settlement Areas http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/517413/20131028/palestinian-call-economic-boycott-israeli-settlement-areas.htm#.UnciphC3XDc
  214. 10/26/13 - Palestinians reach out to 50+ nations calling for economic boycott of Israeli settlers: http://rt.com/news/economic-boycott-israel-palestine-781/ via @RT_com
  215. 10/24/13 - White Phosphorus: Israeli Ex-Soldiers ‘Break The Silence’ http://www.mintpressnews.com/breaking-the-silence-israel-soldiers/171162/ via @MintPressNews
  216. 10/17/13 - "Neither Hezbollah nor Hamas has ever possessed chemical weapons... Israel used white phosphorus" http://rt.com/op-edge/syria-military-rebels-army-316
  217. 10/13/13 - From Italy to Israel/Palestine: Activists share insights on popular struggle: http://972mag.com/from-italy-to-palestine-activists-share-insights-on-popular-struggle/80399/ via @972mag
  218. 10/11/13 - Israeli forces detain Palestine TV team: http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=638121 via @MaanNewsAgency
  219. 10/10/13 - “Take the Money and Be Quiet” Say anti-BDS groups to Palestine: http://pressreleases.religionnews.com/2013/10/10/take-money-quiet-say-anti-bds-groups-palestine/
  220. 10/7/13 - 151 Organizations Tell Ben & Jerry’s: Stop Selling in Israeli Settlements: http://www.bdsmovement.net/2013/151-organizations-ben-jerrys-stop-selling-israeli-settlements-11345 via @bdsmovement
  221. 7/11/13 - Israel: High Court Rejects Legal Ban on White Phosphorus http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/07/12/israel-high-court-rejects-legal-ban-white-phosphorus via @hrw
  222. 4/11/13 - Eu to restrict funding to entities operating in or linked to East Jerusalem http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.556067 via @haaretzcom
  223. 02/10/09 Israeli shells that UN officials said contained white phosphorus demolished warehouse in a Gaza http://in.reuters.com/article/2009/02/10/idINIndia-37928620090210 via @ReutersIndia
  224. ____ _____ _
  225. | ___| /__ \__ _ _ __ __ _ ___| |_ ___
  226. |___ \ / /\/ _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \ __/ __|
  227. ___) | / / | (_| | | | (_| | __/ |_\__ \
  228. |____(_) \/ \__,_|_| \__, |\___|\__|___/
  229. |___/
  230. Corporations profiting off Israeli Apartheid
  231. All information is confirmed as of 2013
  232. ** Boycott Companies That Support Apartheid Israel via inminds.com
  233. pic.twitter.com/qdrryO9Cfp
  234. side 1: http://imgur.com/qzapQtD side 2: http://imgur.com/0LWA60k
  235. ** Boycott Israeli Apartheid - List of Companies to Boycott (2012)
  236. http://www.inminds.com/boycott-israel-2012.php
  237. ** Which Major International Companies Support Israel?
  238. via United with Israel | @UniteWithIsrael
  239. Zionist organization that seeks "to fight and win the battle of public opinion for Israel" by using "the incredible power of social media to spread the truth about Israel to the entire world."
  240. http://unitedwithisrael.org/major-international-companies-support-israel/
  241. ** Boycott Israeli Apartheid - Campaign Targets: List of Companies to Boycott (2013)
  242. http://www.buycott.com/campaign/302/boycott-israeli-apartheid-for-freedom-justice-equality
  243. Profiles of some of the companies that profit off Israeli Apartheid
  244. ======================================================================
  245. Ahava | www.ahava.com | @AHAVA_US
  246. The Ahava factory is located on stolen Palestinian land, and uses Palestinian resources.
  247. http://imgur.com/CNwcdSJ | Ahava Occupation Isn't Pretty protest
  248. pic.twitter.com/NuVBOL9oJ3
  249. http://imgur.com/6bW8X24 | Ahava Stolen Beauty logo
  250. pic.twitter.com/l0x9BMsk3F
  251. Code Pink: Ahava: Stolen Beauty | @BoycottAhava
  252. http://www.codepink4peace.org/section.php?id=415
  253. Letter to Elle Magazine from Campaign Manager, Stolen Beauty Ahava Boycott
  254. http://www.codepink4peace.org/article.php?id=6047
  255. West Bank’s Ahava Muddies Address as EU Boosts Israel Rules
  256. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-14/west-bank-cosmetics-maker-muddies-address-as-eu-boosts-sanctions.html
  257. =========================================================================
  258. Caterpillar | www.caterpillar.com | @CaterpillarInc
  259. Take Action: Caterpillar via Global Exchange
  260. http://www.globalexchange.org/economicactivism/caterpillar/campaigns
  261. Caterpillar - The Alternative Report (2005) via War on Want
  262. http://www.waronwant.org/campaigns/justice-for-palestine/hide/inform/17109-caterpillar-the-alternative-report
  263. "Caterpillar sells D-9 bulldozers to the Israeli Defense Forces, which then has them weaponized by an Israeli company. These bulldozers are also used to destroy West Bank Palestinian homes, steal Palestinian natural resources, and build the barriers that not only separate Palestine from Israel, but Palestinians from Palestinians, preventing the free-flow of goods that would support the Palestinian economy." via Religion News Service
  264. http://pressreleases.religionnews.com/2013/10/10/take-money-quiet-say-anti-bds-groups-palestine
  265. Video: As distraught villagers watch, Israel destroys homes with Caterpillar, Hyundai equipment
  266. via the Electronic Intifada | @intifada
  267. http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/video-distraught-villagers-watch-israel-destroys-homes-caterpillar-hyundai
  268. http://imgur.com/LoNi2mD | Stop CAT | pic.twitter.com/PizlnZmWVK
  269. =========================================================================
  270. Hewlett-Packard | http://www.hp.com | @HP | @hpnews | @HPSupport | @HPdeals | @HPCorp | @hpbi
  271. "Hewlett-Packard sells hardware to the Israeli military and helps them enforce the Occupation. HP is instrumental in the Israeli military’s operational communications, logistics, and planning including the naval blockade of the Gaza strip. The company is also provides biometric scanning equipment (hand scanning as ID) to monitor only Palestinians at checkpoints inside the West Bank in order to restrict Palestinian movement." via Religion News Service http://pressreleases.religionnews.com/2013/10/10/take-money-quiet-say-anti-bds-groups-palestine/#sthash.vpKTVgiH.dpuf
  272. "According to Washington Technology, well over half of HP’s revenue from contracts with the federal government comes from the defense sector; additionally, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute includes HP among the top arms-producing and military services companies in the world." via WeDivest.org
  273. https://wedivest.org/c/57/hp#.UnxNUhC3XDc
  274. Hewlett Packard (HP) - Who Profits via whoprofits.org
  275. http://www.whoprofits.org/company/hewlett-packard-hp
  276. http://imgur.com/nSChtHs | HP Protest | pic.twitter.com/Q9KpitYuXe
  277. =========================================================================
  278. Israeli Blood Diamonds | Israeli Diamond Industry: http://www.israelidiamond.co.il/english/
  279. @IsraelDiamonds
  280. Most people don’t realise that diamonds sold in jewellers worldwide are bankrolling Israel’s war machine: “Overall the Israeli diamond industry contributes about $1 billion annually to the Israeli military and security industries - every time somebody buys a diamond that was exported from Israel some of that money ends up in the Israeli military” - evidence given by Israeli economist Shir Hever (Russell Tribunal Nov 2010)
  281. http://www.inminds.com/boycott-israeli-blood-diamonds.php
  282. Israeli Blood Diamonds: The Global Cover-Up
  283. http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/8121
  284. Israeli Blood Diamonds | Facebook
  285. https://www.facebook.com/Israelblooddiamonds
  286. Poster: "The Israeli diamond industry contributes about $1 billion annually to the Israeli military."
  287. http://imgur.com/F95T53B | pic.twitter.com/TDjjbygLzF
  288. Poster: Did your diamond pay for this?
  289. http://imgur.com/ef1BLxB | pic.twitter.com/8QkUJ1HYwP
  290. =========================================================================
  291. L'Oréal | www.lorealparisusa.com | @LOrealParisUSA | @LOrealUSACorp | @Loreal | @LOrealCareers | @LOrealProUS
  292. Boycott L'Oréal and Yarden Dead Sea products
  293. http://pastebin.com/DBVjefZN
  294. "French cosmetic company L'Oréal not only uses Dead Sea products, it honored an Israeli scientist at the Weizmann Institute with a lifetime achievement award. Similarly, the company gave its L'Oréal Prize to another Israeli and made Israel the company’s commercial center for the entire Middle East. As chairperson of L'Oréal Israel, Gad Propper also serves as founding chairman of the Israel-European Union Chamber of Commerce, in addition to promoting Israel’s trade with Australia and New Zealand" From Zionist site unitedwithisrael.org.
  295. http://imgur.com/WpXyrKu | Boycott Loreal | pic.twitter.com/W11VajnDaU
  296. =========================================================================
  297. Nestlé | www.nestle.com | @Nestle | @NestleUSA | @NestleWatersHQ | @NestleNesquik | @NestleUSCareers
  298. In sum, Nestlé builds on stolen Palestinian lands, covers up the ruins, provides jobs and opportunities that realize the Zionist goal of a purely Jewish presence in Israel and then sells the products of this apartheid system abroad so that the Israeli economy can flourish, while spending vast amounts on the oppression of Palestinians demanding their rights. No wonder Nestle received, from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1998 the Jubilee Award, the highest tribute ever awarded by the State of Israel in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy.
  299. via Nestlé's investment in Zionism | http://www.shoah.org.uk/2012/08/14/nestles-investment-in-zionism/
  300. http://i.imgur.com/xZPzHiH.jpg | Boycott Nestle | pic.twitter.com/OvoTTwanxq
  301. =========================================================================
  302. __ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _
  303. / /_ _| || |_ / __\/ __\ / __\__ | | | _____ __
  304. | '_ \ |_ .. _|/ _\ / _\ / _\/ _ \| | |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
  305. | (_) | |_ _/ / / / / / | (_) | | | (_) \ V V /
  306. \___(_) |_||_| \/ \/ \/ \___/|_|_|\___/ \_/\_/
  307. Journalists, activists, writers: @aliabunimah @benabyad @maxblumenthal @yousefmunayyer @bds4justice @ramzybaroud @annepaq @yousefaljamal @rosa_schiano @linahAlsaafin @richarddufek @kamelhawwash @allissonCD @elsaidst @majedabusalama @ediz99 @JessicaMontell @agoodcuppa @reishiva @javierespinosa2 @marianhouk @budour48 @lara_APN @remroum @maureen_70 @Elizrael @itxaP @norabf @jinjirrie @lisang
  308. #FF @occpal and keep up to date with #GazaUnderAttack twitterlist: https://twitter.com/occpal/lists/gazaunderattack
  309. #FF @olanan and subscribe to her list of people in Gaza: http://bit.ly/HDfKDO
  310. #FF @PalAnonymous @AnonArabOps @ANON_AL_AQSA @AsmaaRK @Delta_RFD @An0nGhost ‏@ANON_AL_AQSA @Hariri_1987
  311. =========================================================================
  312. _____ _____
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  317. |___/
  318. http://i.imgur.com/oUHhPHN.jpg Israel Kills Palestinian Children (Warning Graphic)
  319. http://i.imgur.com/siJ6X6f.jpg 1,397 Palestinian Children Killed Since 2000
  320. http://i.imgur.com/p1SWtxT.jpg Free Palestine Flag
  321. http://i.imgur.com/tEu5cbR.jpg 700 Palestinian Children Arrested Each Year
  322. http://i.imgur.com/66uJS28.jpg We Will Never Forget Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall (Warning Graphic)
  323. http://i.imgur.com/NAxzney.jpg Scoreboard of Israeli Human Right Abuses
  324. http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg The Day Israel Used a Boy Aged 13 As A Human Shield
  325. http://i.imgur.com/r5wlMA8.jpg Boycott Israel - Avoid Products With Barcode Starting With 729
  326. http://i.imgur.com/5xI63wX.jpg Over 90% of Gaza's Water is Contaminated
  327. http://i.imgur.com/NWnJhMA.jpg FACT: Every Israeli Settlement Built on Palestinian Land is a War Crime
  328. http://i.imgur.com/r67W2Oc.jpg Israel Defense Force: Keeping Israel Safe From Little Girls Since 1948
  329. http://i.imgur.com/u3vcOl0.jpg 8 THOUSAND Palestinian Children Have Been Imprisoned by Israel Since 2000 hello
  330. http://i.imgur.com/d6VtKfD.jpg APARTHEID: It Wasn't OK in South Africa - Why is it OK in Palestine?
  331. http://i.imgur.com/3cgDjDO.jpg Israel Receives More US Aid Than All of Africa
  332. http://i.imgur.com/Mv5XBDU.jpg PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!
  333. http://i.imgur.com/yjxCKQT.jpg Boycott the Companies That Support Apartheid Israel
  334. http://i.imgur.com/HPwJtEQ.jpg IDF Uses White Phosphorous Bombs to Incinerate Palestinian Children (Warning
  335. Graphic)
  336. http://i.imgur.com/dknhXju.jpg IDF Soldier Holds Child at Gunpoint
  337. http://i.imgur.com/27ou8Dn.jpg Israeli Soldiers Terrorize Palestinian Girl
  338. http://i.imgur.com/4C1ibDU.jpg THIS IS NOT WAR - THIS IS GENOCIDE! #FreePalestine
  339. http://i.imgur.com/4Qqegez.jpg I am not Anti-Jew - I am Anti-Zionism
  340. http://i.imgur.com/p93z9pR.jpg Human Rights: One Struggle, One Fight #FreePalestine
  341. http://i.imgur.com/aD8FY0F.jpg What if it was the USA Instead of Palestine?
  342. http://i.imgur.com/15WnFB3.jpg What if this was your child? #FreePalestine
  343. http://imgur.com/WpXyrKu Boycott Loreal
  344. French
  345. ======
  346. http://i.imgur.com/oUHhPHN.jpg Israël tue les enfants palestiniens (Attention graphique
  347. http://i.imgur.com/siJ6X6f.jpg 1.397 enfants palestiniens tués depuis 2000
  348. http://i.imgur.com/p1SWtxT.jpg Palestine libre Drapeau
  349. http://i.imgur.com/tEu5cbR.jpg 700 enfants palestiniens arrêtés chaque année
  350. http://i.imgur.com/66uJS28.jpg Nous n'oublierons jamais Rachel Corrie et Tom Hurndall (Attention graphique)
  351. http://i.imgur.com/NAxzney.jpg Tableau de bord des atteintes aux droits humains israéliens
  352. http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg La Journée où Israël a utilisé un garçon de 13 ans comme bouclier humain
  353. http://i.imgur.com/r5wlMA8.jpg Boycott Israël - Éviter les produits avec code à barres commençant par 729
  354. http://i.imgur.com/5xI63wX.jpg Plus de 90% de l'eau de Gaza est contaminée
  355. http://i.imgur.com/NWnJhMA.jpg FAIT: Chaque établissement israélien construit sur des terres palestiniennes est
  356. un crime de guerre
  357. http://i.imgur.com/r67W2Oc.jpg Force de Défense d'Israël: Garder Israël à l'abri de fillettes depuis 1948
  358. http://i.imgur.com/u3vcOl0.jpg 8000 enfants palestiniens ont été emprisonnés par Israël depuis l'an 2000,
  359. bonjour!
  360. http://i.imgur.com/d6VtKfD.jpg APARTHEID : Ce n'était pas OK en Afrique du Sud - Pourquoi est-ce OK en
  361. Palestine?
  362. http://i.imgur.com/3cgDjDO.jpg Israël reçoit plus d'aide que les Etats-Unis que toute l'Afrique
  363. http://i.imgur.com/Mv5XBDU.jpg PALESTINE LIBRE !
  364. http://i.imgur.com/yjxCKQT.jpg Boycottez les entreprises qui soutiennent l'apartheid israélien
  365. http://i.imgur.com/HPwJtEQ.jpg Tsahal utilise des bombes au phosphore blanc pour incinérer les enfants
  366. palestiniens (Attention graphique)
  367. http://i.imgur.com/dknhXju.jpg Soldat de Tsahal retient l'enfant au bout du fusil
  368. http://i.imgur.com/27ou8Dn.jpg Soldats israéliens terrorisant une jeune Palestinienne
  369. http://i.imgur.com/4C1ibDU.jpg CE N'EST PAS LA GUERRE - C'est un génocide ! #FreePalestine
  370. http://i.imgur.com/4Qqegez.jpg Je ne suis pas antisémite - Je suis antisioniste
  371. http://i.imgur.com/p93z9pR.jpg Human Rights: One Struggle, One Fight #FreePalestine
  372. http://i.imgur.com/aD8FY0F.jpg Droits de l'Homme : Une lutte, un combat #FreePalestine
  373. http://i.imgur.com/15WnFB3.jpg Et si c'était les Etats-Unis au lieu de la Palestine ?
  374. Turkish
  375. =======
  376. http://i.imgur.com/oUHhPHN.jpg İsrail Filistin Çocuklarini öldürüyor (Uyarı Grafik)
  377. http://i.imgur.com/siJ6X6f.jpg 2000 yılından bu yana 1.397 Filistinli Çocuk öldürüldü
  378. http://i.imgur.com/p1SWtxT.jpg Ücretsiz Filistin Bayrağı
  379. http://i.imgur.com/tEu5cbR.jpg 700 Filistinli Çocuk her yıl Tutuklandı
  380. http://i.imgur.com/66uJS28.jpg Rachel Corrie ve Tom Hurndall unutmiyacagiz (Uyarı Grafik)
  381. http://i.imgur.com/NAxzney.jpg İsrail İnsan Hakları İhlalleri bir çetele
  382. http://i.imgur.com/mvizEJt.jpg O Gün İsrail Bir İnsan Kalkanı olarak 13 Yaşlı Bir Erkek kullanılmış
  383. http://i.imgur.com/r5wlMA8.jpg İsrail Boykotu - 729 ile başlayan Barkod grubu ürünleri almayin
  384. http://i.imgur.com/5xI63wX.jpg Gazze'nin Suyu % 90'nı kirlenmiş durumda
  385. http://i.imgur.com/NWnJhMA.jpg GERÇEK: Filistin Arsa üzerine inşa edilen her İsrail İskan Bir Savaş Suçdur
  386. http://i.imgur.com/r67W2Oc.jpg İsrail Savunma Kuvvetleri : 1948 yılından beri Küçük Kızlar itibaren İsrail
  387. Güvenliğini Sağlamak
  388. http://i.imgur.com/u3vcOl0.jpg 8 BİN Filistin Çocuk 2000 yılından bu yana İsrail tarafından Tutuklunadi - MERHABA
  389. http://i.imgur.com/d6VtKfD.jpg Bu ​​Güney Afrika'da yasak değil miydi - Neden Filistin'de yasak degildir ?
  390. http://i.imgur.com/3cgDjDO.jpg İsrail Afrika'nın Tümünden daha cok yardim aliyor ABDen
  391. http://i.imgur.com/Mv5XBDU.jpg FİLİSTİN ÖZGÜR OLACAK !
  392. http://i.imgur.com/yjxCKQT.jpg İsraili Destekleyen Şirketleri boykot edin
  393. http://i.imgur.com/HPwJtEQ.jpg IDF Filistin Çocuklarina karsi Beyaz Fosfor Bombaları kullanıyor (Uyarı Grafik )
  394. http://i.imgur.com/dknhXju.jpg IDF Askerleri silah zoruyla Çocuklari tutar
  395. http://i.imgur.com/27ou8Dn.jpg İsrail Askerleri Filistinli Kızlarini terörize eder
  396. http://i.imgur.com/4C1ibDU.jpg BU SAVAŞ DEĞİLDİR - BU SOYKIRIMDIR ! # FreePalestine
  397. http://i.imgur.com/4Qqegez.jpg Ben Yahudilere karsi değilim - Ben Siyonizme karsiyim
  398. http://i.imgur.com/p93z9pR.jpg İnsan Hakları : Bir Mücadele , Bir Dövüş #FreePalestine
  399. http://i.imgur.com/aD8FY0F.jpg Filistinin yerine bu ABD olsaydi ne olurdu ?
  400. http://i.imgur.com/15WnFB3.jpg Bu sizin çocuğunuz olsaydi ne olurdu ? # FreePalestine
  401. ___ ___ _
  402. ( _ ) /___\_ _| |_ _ __ ___
  403. / _ \ // // | | | __| '__/ _ \
  404. | (_) | / \_//| |_| | |_| | | (_) |
  405. \___(_) \___/ \__,_|\__|_| \___/
  406. To those who recognize Israel apartheid and the lies that Israel tells in order to continue their genocide against Palestine: HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! Do not give up.
  407. Free Palestine!
  408. Free Gaza!
  409. Long Live Palestine!
  410. Long Live Gaza!
  411. =============================================================
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