[UPDATED METHOD] [EASY] My Autoblog - Social Media - Passive Income - System


DATE: Dec. 8, 2013, 1:30 p.m.

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  1. Make Money With (Porn) Auto Blogs and Social Media Accounts
  2. Hello everyone and thank you for reading this post. If you don't know me yet you possibly haven't read my method I have posted some months ago. That was my first ever posted method thread and after 8 months, and 20 pages of replies, hours of skype chat and tons of PMs send to me it is time to finally rewrite and update the whole thread/method.
  3. Back then when I wrote the post I was in a hurry and didn't make some points clear enough. Also I have posted a lot of updates and people new to the method lost track at some point, because it simply got confusing. Anyways to show you that I am not some random idiot pretending to be the richest guy on earth here is a link to the old thread that got a lot of attention and kind words here on BHW: http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackha...ng-system.html
  4. Before I start with the method I want to say thank you to all the users here providing support, troubleshooting and positive reviews. Hopefully you all join this new conversation and make it as inspiring and motivational as the old one. But now lets start:
  5. · Basic Overview
  6. ​This guide will show you how to create a wordpress based autoblog that automatically fetches content from other blogs (autoblogging) and automatically publishes content to social media sites to build up big audiences and drive traffic back to your autoblog. You can use this guide to create autoblogs within any niche and with any content you like. I will show you in-depth how to set up and run a bunch of porn autoblogs and how to monetize them. This method is 100% spoonfeed regarding all technical things. Of course you will have to think for yourself when creating your blogs, but I will guide you as detailed as possible through the whole process.
  7. Also you can use this method to automatically update already existing facebook fanpages, tumbr blogs and so on. If you don't have such things yet, no problem, we will create them later.
  8. All basic tools and scripts needed are free and/or open source. Some optional tools costs money or a look at BHWs download section
  9. · Basic Rules and Warnings
  10. - Like I said before this is about porn autoblogging so while you are doing this you will be confronted with explicit images and NSFW stuff.
  11. -This is a rinse and repeat method! Meaning that creating one autoblog will lead you nowhere. To make decent amounts of money you have to create at least 20 moneyblogs and the corresponding number of social accounts.
  12. - You won't need any coding skills, I will provide you with the necessary code if needed.
  13. - At this point please stop thinking "I want to make money" and change it to "I want to create successful blogs and drive a lot of traffic to them". If you create decent websites you WILL MAKE MONEY. If you just focus on making money you probably will make money, too, but it will be less.
  14. - I am not a native english speaker and some years have passed since my english classes in school, so if you don't understand something in this guide because of grammar, wrong vocabulary or anything close to this just ask politely and I am sure that we can find a solution
  15. - DON'T SPAM! Keep this in my all the time. If you spam, you will get banned and lose all your progress on that social site. So don't do it.
  16. - Always register your domains with domain privacy enabled if you want to do porn. There is absolutely no need for your neighbours to know that analbangedmoms.com is your website...
  17. - If you have a question please post a reply in this thread so that everyone can read the question and the solution for the problem. If you need to keep it private for some reason send me a PM. I will reply to you, but it might take a few days. Thank you in advance for your patience.
  18. - Please don't send me any PMs asking "how much do you make" and "is this dead now". The answers to these questions are : "nice amounts of money, but of course never enough" and "no. sex sells and autoblogging pays".
  19. - Stay organised and create an excel sheet, word document or anything similar where you write down all your moneyblogs, usernames, social accounts and so on. This will help you to stay on top of things and make it easier to scale the whole project.
  20. - And finally the ref link thing: I will post ref links in this thread. I'm not a greedy a**hole, so I will always provide a non ref link, too. But I would really appreciate it when you use the ref link to show me that you are thankful for this detailed guide
  21. · Preparation
  22. ​You won't need very much for this method, just a shared hosting account (of course you can use a VPS or a dedicated server if you want to scale this to a few hundred blogs) and a domain. Please notice that I will provide you with an optional guide to make even more money that requires you to buy a second domain. So before buying anything read the whole guide and make a list of what you need.
  23. You can use any host you like, but make sure that you have unlimited traffic and disk space on your account, unlimited databases and unlimited e-mail accounts. Also make sure that you buy linux hosting. All the needed scripts require linux and don't work with windows hosting. Also it has to be a powerful hosting, for example HostGator only allows 20 entry processes, while Arvixe allows 200 or even 300 (as far as i know).
  24. I personally use Arvixe to host my blogs and I am very satisfied with it. All hosting packages come with a free domain and free domain privacy and provide all technical stuff needed for this method. Here is the link:
  25. http://arvixe.com
  26. The cheapest package available is enough to host a decent amount of blogs and start earning money. It costs between $4 and $7 per month depending on your payment plan.
  27. If you decide to use Arvixe use the coupon code 20percentoffinvoice to get a 20% discount on your first invoice. Or use the code 1centfor1month to get your hosting package for 1 cent for the first month.
  28. · Choosing your domain
  29. A very common mistake made in the old thread that people bought a very niche related domain like i-like-milfs.com and then had a problem when creating subdomains like teens.i-like-milfs.com (i hope you notice the contradiction)
  30. So what we are going to do is buy a broad domain name and then run the niche related autoblogs on subdomains. That saves a lot of money because subdomains are free and you can easily create them in your CPanel. So take a deep breath and think of a broad domain with a short and easy to remember name. Choose it wisely because you cannot change it later. Some examples for such domains: youporn.com, sexocean.net, xvideos.com and so on.
  31. Make sure that you always use your domain with a beginning www. like www.yourdomain.com. This is needed for Cloudflare compatibility, I will get to that later.
  32. Thought of a domain and bought it together with a hosting plan? Great then lets get your blogs ready!
  33. · Hardcore or Softcore? RSS or Uploads?
  34. A frequently asked question was "should i do hardcore or softcore images" and the answer is "it depends and you should do both". If you want to run a facebook fanpage you should do a softcore moneyblog, because posting nudes or porn to facebook will get you banned in seconds. But you shouldn't stick to softcore blogs. Create a few softcore blogs and feed all the social accounts with them. Then create tons of hardcore blogs with really strong pornography and simply don't post that to facebook.
  35. But you can have nude images on the softcore money blog. The only important thing is that those nude images don't get posted to facebook.
  36. The second thing you have to decide is whether you want to update your blogs with RSS feeds or by uploading and scheduling Images. Fetching RSS feeds from other blogs run on complete autopilot and needs less disk space, uploading and scheduling gives you better control over your content and therefore is better for facebook pages. I personally run all hardcore blogs with RSS feeds and all softcore blogs with uploaded images. Both methods can be run on one blog as well, they are "compatible"
  37. Creating a moneyblog
  38. Log in to your hostings Control Panel (CPanel) and locate the entry "Subdomains". Create a subdomain named like the niche the blog should contain images of. So if you want to do a blog with MILF pictures create a subdomain like milf.yourdomain.com.
  39. Install Wordpress on that subdomain. If your CPanel provides you with Fantastico or Softaculous (Software Installers) use them because it is a lot easier and faster then manually installing wordpress. If you have trouble doing this simply search the big G for a detailed guide how to do it.
  40. Make sure that you install Wordpress with the correct language. Normally english would be fine, but if you want to run a German Facebook Page for example, your moneyblog should have the same language.
  41. After you have installed Wordpress open up the wordpress admin panel (the link to it will be provided by Softaculous, usually it is yourdomain.com/wp-admin/) and log in. Check the items on the left and delete all "Hello Word" "Test" and so on Posts, Pages, Comments.
  42. Now go to Posts -> Categories and create a category with your Keyword, in my example this could be "MILF Sex Pictures" and a corresponding slug like milfsexpictures. Go to Settings -> Writing and set your new Category as Default Post Category.
  43. Plugin Installation
  44. Go to Plugins -> Add new and install and activate the following Plugins, make sure that you install the Nextscripts Plugin last.
  45. - Watermark my Image
  46. - Auto Post Thumbnail
  47. - FeedWordPress
  48. - 404 simple redirect
  49. - Google Analyticator
  50. - Open in New Window Plugin
  51. - Seo friendly Images
  52. - WP Super Cache
  53. - Simple Google Sitemap XML
  54. - Wordfence Security
  55. - Limit Login Attempts
  56. - Acurax on Click Popunder
  57. - Nextscripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster
  58. Now you have all the necessary plugins for RSS fetching and posting to social sites. If you want to upload and schedule images you also need to install:
  59. - Automatic Featured Image Posts
  60. - Drafts Scheduler
  61. IMPORTANT: FeedWordpress doesn’t support a limit for the number of fetched posts from a RSS feed. We need to fix this, because when you post too much to social sites your accounts will get banned sooner or later. Open this link http://projects.radgeek.com/fwp-limit-posts-by-date/
  62. And download the provided FeedWordpress Addon. Log in to your hostings FTP with any free FTP tool like Filezilla. (ftp.yourdomain.com, port 21, username and password are the same you use for your CPanel). Upload the folder provided in the archive to /public_html/subdomainfolder/wp-content/plugins/
  63. In my example this would be public_html/milf/wp-content/plugins/
  64. Now go back to your Wordpress plugin page and active FWP+: Limit Posts By Date
  65. If this encounters an error (I had this issue) open the file fwp-limit-posts-by-date.php from the archive with Wordpad and delete the following lines (beginning at line 21 of the document:
  66. Code:
  67. /*DBG*/ add_action('init', function () {
  68. add_theme_support('post-thumbnails');
  69. });
  70. Then save the file and overwrite the existing file on your FTP server. Now activate the plugin again.
  71. Theme Installation
  72. You can use any theme you want and modify it to your needs. For this example I will use the former standard theme of wordpress named "Twenty-Eleven". It is no longer included in Wordpress 3.6 but you can install it by heading to Appearance -> Themes -> Install Themes -> Search -> "Twenty Eleven".
  73. Activate the theme you want to use and delete all other themes.
  74. Securing Wordpress
  75. This is extremely important so do it on all blogs: Go to Wordfence -> Options and make sure all Basic Options are enabled. Set Security Level to 2 and save Changes. Go to Scans to include section and make sure all options are enabled (except for the first one, because it requires paid membership). Go to Firewall Rules and enable the first checkbox. Scroll down to the end of the page and save your changes.
  76. Limit Login Attempts doesn't need any further configuration.
  77. Make sure that you use very strong passwords on all your blogs (at least 16 characters long, lower and uppercase, numbers and so on... you know the drill)
  78. Collecting Content
  79. If you want to update your Page with RSS feeds enter your niche followed by tumblr into the big G or any other search engine. Look for tumblr blogs that have quality images matching your niche and check that they are updated regularly (most tumblr themes show the date a post was published). Make a list of around 5 quality blogs and add /rss/ to every entry (for example. http://milfblog.tumblr.com/rss/).
  80. If you want to upload images to your blog and then schedule the posts you have to download images to your computer. Check porn forums, ddl sites for material. Or donate a few bucks to the guy that created TumblRipper, get the newest version and simply rip tons of images from tumblr blogs. Make sure that you use a Software like Advanced Renamer (free) to change filenames to something useful and seo friendly like milfsexpicture0001-yourdomain.com.jpg
  81. Further Preparations
  82. Go to Watermark my image and configure your watermark. There are 2 textboxes, use something like textbox1: Yourniche Picture found at: ; textbox2: subdomain.yourdomain.com. In my example my watermark would be "Milf Picture found at: milf.yourdomain.com"
  83. Go to Settings -> Seo Friendly Images and write down some keywords for your niche into the ALT und TITLE box. For example: Milf, Cougar, Mature, Sex, Porn, Mom, XXX,
  84. Go to Settings -> Permalinks and choose Custom Structure. Enter /%category%/%postname% and save your settings. This is for SEO purposes, if you want to have shorter links for any reason just keep the standard setting.
  85. Go to Google Analytics website and add a new web property (create an account if you don't have one). Open up Google Analyticator Plugin and link that property to your website.
  86. Open Google Webmaster Tools website and log in. Add your website and submit your sitemap created by the sitemap plugin. Your site map ist located here: yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml
  87. Open your hostings CPanel and look for an item called CloudFlare. If your hoster supports CloudFlare enable it for your domain to reduce server load and needed bandwidth.
  88. Setting up Social Accounts
  89. Go to your CPanel and create a new e-mail adress like niche@yourdomain.com. Use it to register an account at tumblr, twitter, stumbleupon and facebook (if needed). Make accounts according to your niche for example milfsex.tumblr.com; @MilfSexPorn and so on.
  90. WARNING!!!!! Don't register more than one account per IP adress and day when using tumblr and stumbleupon (SU). This will surely get your accounts flagged and banned. If you have a static IP (like I do) use your friends and families internet connections to create accounts. Or go to McDonalds, Starbucks whatever. Also you can use Private Proxies. Always clear browser cache and cookies before registering an account. Twitter doesn't mind when you have tons of accounts running on the same IP.
  91. To reduce the amount of accounts needed for tumblr you can run multiple blogs within one account. If the account gets banned you loose all blogs, but that is less likely going to happen then getting banned for multi account use.
  92. Go to Settings -> Social Networks Auto-Poster and select the Account you would like to configure.
  93. Twitter
  94. Twitter is nice to gain followers on autopilot and can bring big amounts of traffic. Check the upper right corner of Social Networks Auto-Poster (SNAP), there is a link to a detailled step by step guide how to set up a twitter app and use it with SNAP. Give SNAP all the needed information and then check the "Attach Image to Post" checkbox. Set the Message Format to a bunch of tags followed by %URL%, for example
  95. Code:
  96. #milf #cougar #mature #mom #sex #porn #hardcore #milfs %URL%
  97. Update the Settings and then submit a test post to Twitter. Finally open twitter.com and disable all email notifications, upload a niche related profile pic, enter your money blogs adress. Mark your tweets as NSFW. After you have set up your twitter account forget about it...
  98. I haven't had a single twitter account that didn't work on autopilot till now...
  99. Tumblr
  100. Go to your Tumblr dashboard and click on the gear icon. Go to Dashboard entry and disable "browse tags in safe mode". Disable all E-Mail Notifications. Click on your blog entry to the left and then flag your blog as nsfw, truncate your rss feed. If you plan to use this tumblr account (you should always have one account to do reblogs from all your other blogs you have created at your moms house) for social purposes allow asks, replies and submissions. Upload a decent Avatar picture.
  101. Finally click the customize button under "Theme". Give your blog a nice niche related title. Choose a simple but good looking theme with clickthrough support "Observer" for example. Go to Advanced and choose "Open Links in New Window". Add a Google Analytics property for this blog in your analytics account and enter the ID (UA-34385738 for example) in the corresponding field under "Appearance".
  102. Open up SNAP choose Tumblr and open up the step by step guide in the upper right corner. Provide all needed information and then choose "Image Post", "Shortened Post URL", delete all content in "Post Text Format" and enter something like
  103. Code:
  104. <p>Milf Pictures at my tumblr blog <strong>http://milfsex.tumblr.com</strong></p>
  105. Check both checkboxes underneath. Update settings. Open Tumblr entry in SNAP again and authorize your account. Allow read and write permission on the next screen. Finally submit a test post to see if everything worked the way it should.
  106. StumbleUpon
  107. Simply enter your account details, check NSFW and post with tags, select "Pornography" as category update your settings.
  108. Facebook
  109. You will need a normal user account for this NOT a business account. Create a fake girl profile and make it look legit. You can join groups like “Add Me” with this profile to make friends fast and drive more users to your fanpage. But please never make the mistake and send friend requests to anyone or spam other pages… you will lose that account for sure. From time to time (when you have different computers and IPs available (your friends homes…)) create more facebook accounts and make them admin of your page, so if you lose one account you can still operate your page.
  110. Read this guide for more details. Thanks, rep and credits go to user lakim0 for posting it:
  111. http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackha...000-month.html
  112. Follow the step by step guide provided by SNAP to create an application and a fanpage. When creating your Fanpage make sure it is something guys would like. Don't call your Fanpage "Bikini Girls"... thats super lame. Name it after something guys want "Big Boobs, Beer and Bitches" or some joke, saying or whatever "May I pound that ass, girl?" "We need to fuck about this.." ... I think you get the idea.
  113. AGAIN don't use facebook for nudes and hardcore stuff. So for my example (milfs) I wouldn't create a facebook page.
  114. Give the needed details to SNAP.
  115. Go to your Fanpage and add a hot looking profile pic. Create a background banner with the page name. Upload a picture manually to your timeline (that is needed to make autoposting work properly). Enter your websites adress.
  116. Go back to your unfinished SNAP setup. Choose Image Post and Timeline and set Message Text Format to anything you like, but provide a link to your page.
  117. For example:
  118. Code:
  119. Get more boob pictures at boobs.yourdomain.com
  120. Update Settings and authorize your account. Submit a test posts.
  121. Providing Content
  122. Now your blog is ready to publish content to your social sites, so now we are going to import content to publish.
  123. For uploading and scheduling: Add the following code to your functions.php by opening Appearance -> Editor -> Theme Functions (functions.php). Scroll down to the end of the file and paste it there:
  124. Code:
  125. Code:
  126. add_filter( 'afip_new_post_content', 'myprefix_change_afip_post_content', 10, 2 );
  127. function myprefix_change_afip_post_content( $post_content, $attachment_id ) {
  128. $my_uploaded_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id );
  129. $post_content .= '<img src="' . $my_uploaded_image[0] . '">';
  130. return $post_content;
  131. }
  132. This code adds the uploaded picture into the automatically created post. If you don't use it you will just get blank posts.
  133. VERY IMPORTANT: Go to Settings -> Auto Image Posts and set Default Post Status to "Draft".
  134. Now go to Media -> Upload and upload your pictures. Don't upload more than 200 pictures at one time.
  135. Go to Posts -> Draft Scheduler and select the day to start posting. Never select the current day (theres an explanation for that under the calendar). Select sequential schedule (random uses too much ressources) and set a fixed post interval. Click Schedule. If the script stops at some point check the latest schedule entry, select the day after it, choose other options like before and then schedule again.
  136. Fetching RSS Feeds
  137. If you want to fetch RSS feeds check your Wordpress menu on the left for an entry called Syndication. Open the entry Syndicated Sites and look for the button “add multiple”. Now enter the list with rss feeds you have prepared before. Then click on “subscribe to selected sources”. Head to the next sub-entry called “Feeds and Updates”. Uncheck all checkboxes under “Feed Information”. Next go to the box called “Update Scheduling” and set it to “manual or cron job”.
  138. We are going to use cron jobs to make this work. If you don’t know what a cron job is: Simply imagine some random guy sitting in front of a computer somewhere watching the clock all the time and then pressing the needed buttons at the right time. If you don’t use a cronjob and your website has only low or no traffic (at the beginning) the automation will not work. If your website has high amounts of traffic and you use the automatic setting of FeedWordpress every single user opening the page will hammer on the build in WP cron and cause FeedWordpress to check for updates. Considering that we are doing this on a shared hosting and want to build a lot of blogs… well simply forget it… it would cause too much server load.
  139. No set an update schedule. Depending on how much feeds you are fetching you have to set a different schedule. For example: You have 5 active feeds and limit them to 1 post on 1 fetch = 5 posts per fetch. So if you check for updates every 3 hours (180 minutes) you will get updates 8 times a day with a maximum of 40 posts (8 fetches with 5 posts each). You shouldn’t post more (tumblrs daily limit for example is 50) than that. Always remember: frequent updates with quality content are the key to success, not spamming around.
  140. Head to “Updates Posts” Box and select “No,”.
  141. Head to the “Limit posts by date” box. If you don’t have that box go back to the Plugin Installation part of this guide and make sure you have installed FWP+ Limit Posts by Date correctly. Set “Number of Posts” to “Only the [number] most recent”. Set [number] to the number of posts per feed you want to fetch. (In my example this would be “1”).
  142. Save changes at the end of the page.
  143. Head to the sub-entry “Posts and Links” and select “Publish posts immediately”, “No leave the syndicated copy unmodified”, “The local copy on this website”, “Give the aggregator itself as the source of posts from an aggregator feed”. Save changes.
  144. Head to sub-entry “Authors” and set “Authors who haven’t been syndicated before” to “will have their posts attributed to [your username]”. Save changes.
  145. Head to the next sub-entry. In the box “Feed Categories and Tags” UNSELECT every single checkbox and set the radio boxes to “Don't create any matching terms”. In Categories Box select your previously created category for all posts.
  146. Enter a set of tags for all posts into the corresponding box. Make sure you use good, niche related tags that apply to your pictures. Also add some broad tags. Have at least 10 of them.
  147. In my example this could be “MILF,MILFS,Cougar,Mature,Mom,Mother,Sex,Porn,XXX, Blowjob,Anal”.
  148. Save changes.
  149. Go back to the first sub-entry and press the “Update” button. Your blog should now fetch some posts, publish them and send them to your social sites. Check if everything works fine. If your posts don’t appear on your social sites simply wait a few minutes, then they should appear, if they don’t go back to SNAP Settings and see if everything is set correctly.
  150. Setting up a cron job for your blog
  151. Congratulations! You have created a fully working autoblog. There is only one important point left before we change the look of the blog and monetize it: Setting up a cron job. Go to Syndication -> Feeds and Updates and go to the “Update Scheduling” box. FeedWordpress provides you with a cron command looking like this:
  152. Code:
  153. */10 * * * * /usr/bin/curl --silent http://yourdomain.com?update_feedwordpress=1
  154. Copy it from the beginning slash of usr, leaving out the asterisks before.
  155. Now open your hostings CPanel and look for the Cron jobs entry. Enter the cron command into the corresponding box. Your Cpanel provides you with some common settings for the cron job interval. If you fetch posts every 3 hours it is sufficient to select “Twice an hour” or even longer periods. Don’t choose intervals less than 10 minutes. Press the add button and you are done.
  156. Theme Options
  157. Visit your blog. If you have chosen Twenty Eleven as Theme you might notice the big header image. Go to Appearance -> Header and press the button to remove it. Now visit your blog again. It looks pretty simple, not an eye-catcher but anyways, you now have a fully operational autoblog that doesn’t looks like a total pain in the ass. Like I said before you can choose different themes for your blogs, modify them and tailor them to your needs. But always keep in mind that you target a male audience so keep the styling simple and clear.
  158. Monetization
  159. We want to make money with our blogs so we need to put ads on them. Again I would appreciate it when you use my ref links as a thank you for writing this guide (which has 12 pages at this moment and I am still writing).
  160. Plugrush /CPC
  161. Register as a Publisher at Plugrush:
  162. Ref-link: https://www.plugrush.com/?ref=3567
  163. Non-Ref: https://www.plugrush.com/
  164. Plugrush pays you money for clicks on their ads (called “Widgets”). Add your website (subdomain) to Plugrush (Publishers -> Websites). Enter the provided code to your theme by opening Appearance -> Editor -> Header.php and inserting it before the closing </head> tag. Now go to Publishers-> Adzones and create a new widget. We will place it between the posts on the main page, so you might call it “between posts” or something similar. For this example select “Gallery Widget” as “Type”, select Categories that match with your niche (Gallery type widgets have less categories, so for some niches it might be better to choose the regular widget). In my example there isn’t really any matching category, so I will just unselect those that definitely don’t match (Anime, BBW and so on).
  165. Go to Customization. Select “Don’t show powered by”. Select 3 Columns and 1 row. 2px horizontal padding, 1px horizontal spacing. Border size 0 px. “Show only thumbs”, 175 W x 210 H. Border size 1 pixels.
  166. Go to Traffic settings. Unselect Trade Traffic (unless you want to trade traffic...).
  167. UNSELECT “Mobile Traffic”. You should always unselect this. If you want to use the mobile redirect to make money you can do this by adding the mobile redirect code to your theme header. This way you can easily activate and deactivate it. Also you can install the Plugrush Wordpress Plugin and do the same there. But if your widgets are configured to do mobile redirects they will do this even if you have disabled it at the plugin or deleted the code. It is very annoying to alter every single widget, exchange the codes and so on to deactivate mobile redirection.
  168. Make sure the correct website is selected, then hit “save”.
  169. Copy the code created by Plugrush and go to Apperance -> Editor -> Main Index Template (index.php) and look for a line like this:
  170. Code:
  171. <?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
  172. <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
  173. Enter your Plugrush code BELOW it. You can wrap it in a <div> tag to center it (looks better), so your whole code looks like this:
  174. Code:
  175. <?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
  176. <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
  177. <div align="center"><iframe allowtransparency="1" frameborder="0" height="something" id="yourid" scrolling="no" src="http://widget.plugrush.com/youdomain.com/code" width="something"></iframe></div>
  178. Update the file. Visit your blog. See the ads? Good! If not, disable your Adblock extension.
  179. Go back to Plugrush and create another widget. It will show up under the content, so name it “under content” or whatever… use the exact same settings you have used for the first adzone, but select 4 columns and 15 rows. Remember to unselect Trading and Mobile Traffic. Save the widget. Go to Appearance -> Editor -> Single Post (single.php) and look for
  180. Code:
  181. <?php get_template_part( 'content-single', get_post_format() ); ?>
  182. And paste your adzone code BELOW it. Wrap it in a div tag like mentioned before.
  183. The next line shows the comment template, you can delete that to prevent spam comments. Update the file.
  184. Alright now you have ads that will generate some basic income for you. Just some general words about Plugrush. Income stats are only updated every 24 hours (around 12:00 GMT+1), go to Publishers -> Earnings to see your earnings. After two weeks your funds are ready to be paid out and appear in the upper right corner of the screen (you probably have noticed that money bag). Plugrush won’t make you rich unless you manage to get a real lot of traffic, so don’t quit this method after 3 days because you are just earnings a few cents. After a while and with rising traffic you will make some dollars a day from PR alone.
  185. PR mobile redirects. Mobile redirects are a nice way of generating income and may be useful at the beginning. There is only one downside with PRs mobile script. It redirects every time a mobile user loads your page, so these users cannot in fact access your page. Juicyads mobile scripts only redirects them once and is therefore the way better option. That way users can access your page, see the content and hopefully make you even more money because of CPA offers. So just try everything: redirects, no redirects and see what works best for you.
  186. Juicyads
  187. Register at Juicyads:
  188. http://www.juicyads.com/ref2.php?ref=31728
  189. http://www.juicyads.com/
  190. Juicyads basically does the same as Plugrush. You can create ad zones and you get paid for Impressions and clicks. Plus advertisers can buy an adspot directly for a period of time and you will get a fixed amount of money. Like I have mentioned before Juicyads also has a mobile redirect script that, in my opinion, is better than the one from PR.
  191. Also Juicyads allows you to sell Popunders (PR does that too), but I personally don’t use that options. Instead I prefer to use CPA popunders to make more money.
  192. But it is up to you to use their popunders. Just keep in mind that most users hate popunders, so don’t have more than 1-2 of them.
  193. Crakrevenue
  194. Crakrevenue is an adult CPA company that pays you when users buy something or sign up for some websites. This is where the big bucks are made, because even a simple lead to a camsite brings you up to $2.5. If your users buy something you get paid up to $50.
  195. Register at Crakrev:
  196. http://www.crakrevenue.com/?referer=1072137
  197. http://www.crakrevenue.com/
  198. They claim to be in beta status and so on, but don’t get scared, you will get accepted within a few days.
  199. Go to Crakrev and check their offers, for beginning you should start to promote PPL offers, because it is easier then selling something. For this example I will use their newest offer SlutRoulette. Go to Web Offers -> SlutRoulette -> Ad Tools select Banner, 900x250, Recommended and hit “Next”. Enter a tracker for example “milfbanner1”. Click create and copy the code.
  200. Go to Appearance -> Editor -> Header (header.php)
  201. Look for the line
  202. Code:
  203. <nav id="access" role="navigation">
  204. Somewhere in the last lines of the document. Paste the banner code BEFORE (!!!!) it. It already has a <div> tag, so simply enter align=”center” after the beginning <div
  205. Update the file. Visit your blog. You now have a really impressive big banner under your blog name.
  206. Crakrev also has a featured called geo rotator that automatically chooses ads depending on the country the users comes from.
  207. Go back to the offers ad tools and select “link”. Enter a tracker like milfpop1 and then hit “Create”. Copy the provided link. Check your wordpress menu for an entry called “Popunder”. Open it, paste the link and press “Update”. Now you should have a popup/under opening when you load your page.
  208. D-O-N-E!

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