Thought Time ~~~~~~~~~:)~


DATE: Dec. 10, 2013, 11:44 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 648 Bytes

HITS: 807

  1. Thought Time ~~~~~~~~~:)~
  2. In other news, over Two Million sets of login credentials for Facebook, Twitter & Gmail have today been discovered stolen by an elaborate botnet.
  3. A reminder from the geekito™ that changing your passwords often ain't a bad idea.
  4. NB: If you're that twitbagofshit who's been trying to hack metito um, my Mother's maiden name is Panarello, so I urge you to Please Try Again. Thanks.
  5. Please Donate at below address so that Info's like this keep spreading Continuously !
  6. Bitcoin Address to Donate :- 17xe8MSRGS1Upg94ipNaumMAyJ3JnuwByB
  7. Thank You And Keep Awake Always ~~~~~~~~~:)~

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