

DATE: Sept. 29, 2013, 11 p.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 12.2 kB

HITS: 1035

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  18. <font class="top"><p><a href="/" title="journal"><br><font color="#394F70">&nbsp;the devil takes care of his own</font></font><br>
  19. <font class="supguys"><a href="http://dartt.insanejournal.com/info" title="info"><font color="#E7E7E7">☠</font color></a> <a href="http://dartt.insanejournal.com/friends" title="friends"><font color="#E7E7E7">☠</font color></a> <a href="http://dartt.insanejournal.com/" title="customs"><font color="#E7E7E7">☠</font color></a> Do you dare to speak his name, there's evil at the root. Cruel or kind it's on your mind, go on and give the dice a roll. Never did believe in saying fortunes are foretold, easy come and easy they will go. Didn't you read it in the detail, that if you're idle then you will fail</p></td></tr></table></td></tr>
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  165. <tr><td colspan="5" width="605">
  166. <table width="560" height="170" align="left" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">
  167. <tr><td width="0"></td>
  168. <td align="justify" valign="left">
  169. <font class="top"><p><a href="/" title="journal"><br><font color="#394F70">&nbsp;the devil takes care of his own</font></font><br>
  170. <font class="supguys"><a href="http://dartt.insanejournal.com/info" title="info"><font color="#E7E7E7">☠</font color></a> <a href="http://dartt.insanejournal.com/friends" title="friends"><font color="#E7E7E7">☠</font color></a> <a href="http://dartt.insanejournal.com/" title="customs"><font color="#E7E7E7">☠</font color></a> Do you dare to speak his name, there's evil at the root. Cruel or kind it's on your mind, go on and give the dice a roll. Never did believe in saying fortunes are foretold, easy come and easy they will go. Didn't you read it in the detail, that if you're idle then you will fail</p></td></tr></table></td></tr>
  171. <br></style><br>

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