However, as per the examination point of view, we can divide this book into three parts Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Environment Science part is covered in the Biology syllabus. You can select your desired chapter from the list and start your learning. As previously stated, Environment Science part is covered in the Biology syllabus. So we have total three subjects in Science subject, Physics, Ncert solutions for class 10 science and Biology. The first unit has total five chapters. The first chapter is about the chemical reactions and equations in which we will learn about how to write chemical equations and balance them. Also, we will learn about the various types of chemical reactions. In the second chapter, we will learn about the various types of acids, bases and salts and their reactions with metals and non-metals. The third chapter will take us to the world of metals and non-metals where we will learn about their properties and reactions among them. The fourth chapter is about the carbon and its compounds where we will learn about the properties of carbons and chemical substances containing carbon. In the fifth chapter, we will learn about the classification of elements and their evolution. The Second unit consists of four chapters that are from sixth to ninth. The sixth chapter is about the various life processes which human need for their survival. In the seventh chapter, we will talk about the parts of the human body which are engaged in control and coordination activities. The eighth chapter deals with reproduction activities in unicellular and multicellular organisms. The ninth chapter, we will learn how the offsprings look alike. The third unit is How things works which have four chapters. In the tenth chapter, we will learn about light and its phenomena reflection and refraction in a detailed manner. The eleventh chapter is about the human eye and some optical phenomena in nature. The twelfth chapter deals with the electricity in which we will learn electric circuit and resistance. In the thirteenth chapter, magnetic effects of electric current and its applications. The fourth unit has three chapters in it. The fourteenth chapters talk about the various sources of energy such as conventional and non-conventional sources. The fifteenth chapter is about our environment in which we will learn about the eco-systems, food chains and how human activities contribute in degrading its quality. Ncert solutions for class 10 science last chapter is about the conservation of natural resources. Chapter 1 - Chemical Reactions and Equations The chapter has total 20 questions. The first three questions are of objective type. The question number sixth, seventh and eight is of balancing the equation types questions. Rest are short answer questions. Chapter 2 - Acids, Bases and Salts The exercises contain total fifteen questions of which first four are of objective type. In the fifth question, we have to write balanced equation of the given reactions. Remaining questions are of short answer type. Chapter 3 - Metals and Non-Metals There are total 16 questions in the chapter. First four questions are of objective type. Remaining questions are of short and long answer type. Chapter 4 - Carbon and its Compounds There are fifteen questions in the chapter. First three questions are of objective type. In the fifth question, we have to draw electron dot structures. Remaining questions are of short and long answer type. Chapter 5 - Periodic Classification of Elements There are ten questions in the chapter. First two questions are of objective type. In the third question, we have to name the elements as per the questions asked. In the last question, we have to differentiate between Mendeleev's Periodic Table and the Modern Periodic Table. Rest questions are of short answer type. Chapter 6 - Life Processes There are total thirteen questions in the chapter of which first four questions are of objective type. In the question number eighth, twelfth and thirteenth, we have to differentiate between the given two topics. Remaining questions are of short answer type. Chapter 7 - Control and Coordination There are total 12 questions in the chapter. First three questions are of objective type. In the last two questions, we have to differentiate between the given two topics. Remaining questions are of short answer type. There are eleven questions in the chapter. First three questions are of objective type. In the seventh question, we have to draw a labelled diagram of the longitudinal section of a flower. Other questions are of short and long answer type. Chapter 9 - Heredity and Evolution There are total twelve questions. Ncert solutions for class 10 science three questions are of objective type. Remaining questions are of short and long answer type. Chapter 10 - Light- Reflection and Refraction There are seventeen questions in the chapter. First five questions are of objective type. In the eighth question, we have to tell the name of the mirror used in specific situations. Rest questions are of short and long answer type. Chapter 11 - Human Eye and the Colourful World The chapter has thirteen questions of which first four are of objective types. In the seventh question, we have to make diagram of to show how hypermetropia is corrected. Remaining questions are of short answer type. Chapter 12 - Electricity There are eighteen questions in the chapter. First four questions are of objective type. Most are numerical questions and rest questions are short answer type. Chapter 13 - Magnetic Effects of Electric Current This chapter has total eighteen questions of which first five questions are of objective type. In the eleventh question, we have to draw a labelled diagram of an electric motor. Remaining questions are of short and long answer type. Chapter 14 - Sources of Energy The question has total ten questions. First three questions are of objective type. In question number four and five, we have to differentiate between the given two topics. Remaining questions are of short answer type. Chapter 15 - Our Environment There are nine questions in the chapter of which first three questions are of objective type. Remaining questions are of short answer type. Chapter 16 - Sustainable management of Natural Resources The chapter has seven questions. All questions are of short and long answer type.