Your Reflection


DATE: Nov. 25, 2012, 6:54 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

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HITS: 1300

  1. You are currently in your house, lounging on your expensive leather sofa, wondering what life has to offer while staring out the window into the night sky.
  2. While contemplating the mysteries of the universe you thought you heard a tap on your door. A slow tap, stretching out in ways you thought are not possible for a simple sound such as a tap.
  3. You quickly get up and search for the source of the alarming sound and find darkness. You kid yourself, shaking off any sense of danger you felt and decide to stroll to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of your favorite drink when you suddenly see something from the corner of your eye. You quickly turn around to find yourself looking at.. Your reflection in the mirror.
  4. You finally decide to call it a day when the mirror cracks, producing a long, winding sound that echoes still for seconds after the act. You dare not move. You turn the bottle upside down, spilling the red wine on yourself, shaking from adrenaline and from what you think lies ahead. You close your eyes and quickly spin around, bottle stretched out. It feels as if it hit a concrete wall but when you open your eyes you see air.
  5. Nothing more
  6. Addressing this to fatigue over your many efforts to acquire the sofa, you turn the bottle the right way up and begin walking back, not noticing your reflection disappearing from the mirror. Out from the mirror this bizarre black liquid flows out of the cracks, sending tendrils of black smoke around your leg. You fail to notice until it's too late, trying to vigorously shake it off but the leg, the leg! It turned black, black as the night sky you once looked at through a window!
  7. You couldn’t feel it, you trip and fall and see the mirror. Out of the mirror a ghastly reflection exits into the physical realm, with teeth a-plenty and eyes galore! You stare at the image, paralyzed out of fear and shock, getting pulled closer and closer, gnashing its teeth creating those horrible sounding taps, the taps of doom. The color spreads to the rest of your body, the feeling of numbness and the sight of the devilish mouth is the last thing you remember.
  8. You feel sorry for killing all those children to create that leather sofa.

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