Camp games for teens are not only fun, but also a great way to build leadership skills. For new groups they also serve as tremendous ice breakers among individual campers. Feel free to leave your own game ideas in the comments below. Everyone gets together in a circle and someone will start the game by saying their name followed by an animal that starts with the same letter as their first name. Ask each person in the group to think of two true facts about themselves, and one lie. Each person in the group takes a turn telling the group their three items. The group then has to agree on which fact they think is a lie. Once the group announces their decision, the speaker tells the group the correct answer. The group then can talk about any of the interesting things they just learned about the new person. Have everyone sit in a circle with you in the center. You can either sit in chairs, or have place markers book bags, etc. Those people that can give a positive answer to the question will cross the circle and find an open seat of someone else that answered positively. Since you have one less chair then there are people in the group, and you found an opening quickly, there should be one person left in the center. This person then gets to pick the next topic. Everyone stands or sits in a circle in front of a place marker, such as a book bag, chair, or other object. Each move has to be at least two place markers or chairs from where they started. Create a list of 15-30 statements to distribute to your group. Give the group a period of time to find people who meet the different criteria for the different statements on the list. When participants find someone who meets the criteria, they ask that person to sign their list. At the end of the activity, read off the various statements and ask anyone who meets the criteria to stand up. Arrange the group in a circle with one person in the middle. Everyone should place some sort of marker behind them, such as a book bag, t-shirt, etc. The person who does not find a marker to sit on is in the middle and becomes the next caller. Ask the participants to introduce themselves to their partner. Instruct the group that from this point forward, speaking is not allowed. This includes whispering, mouthing words, and making sounds. Inform the group that they must tell their partner three things about themselves without speaking similar to a charades game. These things cannot be physical characteristics. Once all of the partners have finished miming to each other, call everyone back into a circle. Ask for each pair to verbally introduce their partner to the group, as well as the three things that they learned or think they learned. This activity is great for the first day or whenever your group has free time. It works best with more people, and everyone should be honest when playing. Have everyone sit in a circle or close enough to be able to hear everyone. Tell them to hold up all ten fingers. A counselor can start off by stating one fact about them. This will continue around the circle, having each person share one fact about them until someone is all out ten fingers. This is a great way to pass the time and learn about each other while having some fun. Break the group up into 2 separate teams. Next give one camper a throw able object, their team then forms a circle around that them and that person throws the object. Every time he makes it around the circle it counts as a run. At the same time the other team is chasing the object. Everyone forms a line behind the first person that has gotten the object. They then pass the object between their legs until it reaches the last person, where it is then passed overhead back to the first person in line. When the first person gets the object the team screams out, and the other team stops counting runs. The first person in line that retrieved the object now has a circle around him and he throws the object and the process reverses. Once they tag someone, that person will then join them by holding hands. Players can only be caught if they are tagged with one of the free hands. To prevent being tagged players can find other players and stand back to back with them. They can only stand back to back and remain safe for 10 seconds. Before the 10 seconds ends they must make a move. The game ends once everyone has been tagged. This game is best played with teams of 4-6 players. To set the game up each team will line up and sit with their legs around the person in front of them. The teams must stay together when they are moving forward. If they break free of each other they must stop and wrap their legs back around their teammates before they continue. The first to make it to the finish line wins. In addition, the leaders can instruct the players throughout the game fun games for teen girls move in unusual ways. Example: walk slowly, hop on one foot, crawl like a dog, tip toe, etc. Using a tennis ball, or some other soft object, throw it back and forth around the group until someone drops it. If they miss it again they are out of the game. Players must fun games for teen girls in their positions to catch and throw the ball. Play continues until all players are out. Have fun games for teen girls group form two single file lines with an equal amount of people. Teams that break the chain must return to the beginning and start over. Have the group split into several teams of two players and have them link arms together. The person on the opposite side then becomes the chased. The last person to get up is out until the end of the game. You can also change it up and have that person fun games for teen girls something like push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups, etc. You can also give them two chances before they are out and have them do something the first time and the second time the mess up they are out. This game is great for picking up trash. However it can be played without using trash. Leaders will secretly hide objects around the playing area for the teams to find. To win you can create goals for the teams, like you have to find 5 objects or 10 pieces of trash, etc… This game is combination of Red Light; Green Light mixed with Capture the Flag. Divide the group into two equal teams. The items must be hidden where they are at least partially visible from three directions. This works best when the game is played around building or a house. Everyone begins on one side of the building at a starting point a tree, a chair, etc. Once someone correctly answers, the Red Robin starts to run around the house. Everyone follows and can run in either direction. The first person back to the Starting Point is the new Red Robin. Best played using a large space. Place several sock balls or water bottles in the middle of a space. Split the group into two teams and have them line up on opposite sides of the space. It is basically impossible to accomplish but pretty funny to watch. Have the group stand in a circle with one person in the middle. The person in the middle is the Samurai. All at once, on the count of three, the Samaria will either slice through the air like they have a sword either up high or down low. At the same time the players in the circle will either jump or duck. If the Samaria swings high the group should duck and if they swing low they should jump. Players who guessed incorrectly are out until only one-player remains. The one who is left if the next Samurai. Everyone makes a circle, facing inward and couples up with the person next to them by hooking arms.