I will be betting bitcoins on this website: pinballcoin - bitcoin casino game and I decided to make a log of every bet and my profits (or losses). I thought it would be a fun little thread to make. I set a limit on myself how much I wouldn't care if I lost and I really recommend you do that as well before you bet.
I started out this morning with .01566454 BTC in profits ($10.8 at the time). I made this thread after I got that but Coden was in the shoutbox while I won that.
Anyway, onto my log of my journey to 1 BTC starting with 0.02062908 BTC.
You can see how much is in my betting wallet here:
Every 5 Bets I will total it under the group of 5 Bets. (Got a little lazy so it is at the end of everyday now )
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Lose] (-0.002)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0039)
Bet 0.0018 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.00215)
Bet 0.0008 BTC - [Lose] (-0.0008)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.0024)
Total: +0.00083 BTC
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.0024)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0039)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Lose] (-0.002)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Lose] (-0.002)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.0024)
Total: -0.0013 BTC
Overall: -0.00047 BTC
Bet 0.00092908 BTC - [Lose] (-0.00092908)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Lose] (-0.002)
Bet 0.00195 BTC - [Lose] (-0.00195)
Bet 0.0018 BTC - [Lose] (-0.0018)
Bet 0.004 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0079)
Total: -0.00277908 BTC
Overall: -0.00324908 BTC
Bet 0.003 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0059)
Bet 0.0038 BTC - [Lose] (-0.0038)
Bet 0.0038 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.00465)
Bet 0.004 BTC - [Lose] (-0.004)
Bet 0.0057 BTC - [Lose] (-0.0057)
Total: -0.00975 BTC
Overall: -0.01299908 BTC
Bet 0.00455 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.009)
Bet 0.0089 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.011025)
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0099)
Bet 0.005825 BTC - [Lose] (-0.005825)
Bet 0.0099 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0197)
Total: +0.01545 BTC
Overall: +0.00245092 BTC
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0099)
Bet 0.0048 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0095)
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0099)
Bet 0.0046 BTC - [Lose] (-0.0046)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.0024)
Total: +.0103 BTC
Overall: +.01275092 BTC
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0099)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Lose] (-0.002)
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Lose] (-0.005)
Bet 0.0024 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0047)
Bet 0.0048 BTC - [Lose] (-0.0048)
Total: -0.0046 BTC
Overall: +.00815092
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.0024)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Lose] (-0.002)
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.00615)
Bet 0.0053 BTC - [Win x2] (+0.0105)
Bet 0.002 BTC - [Lose] (-0.002)
Total: -0.00225 BTC
Overall: +0.00590092 BTC
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.00615)
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Lose] (-0.005)
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Win x1.25] (+0.00615)
Bet 0.00145 BTC - [Lose] (-0.00145)
Bet 0.005 BTC - [Lose] (-0.005)
Bet 0.0071 BTC - [Win x1.25) (+0.008775)
(Got a bit lazy with doing math every 5 bets )
Other notes:
I use Bitcoin Exchange Rate ? Bitcoin Live Converter ? Preev to check the price of BTC.