Wheel of Fortune Rules


DATE: Oct. 26, 2013, 12:36 a.m.

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SIZE: 4.1 kB

HITS: 1274

  1. Three players compete in a game of words and luck.
  2. At the start of the game, a toss-up puzzle is played for control of the wheel in Round 1. A category is given, and the blanks in the puzzle will be revealed. Letters will be filled in one at a time until a player buzzes in with "!buzz" (without the quotation marks). If the answer given is correct, that player earns $500 and control of the wheel in round 1. However, if the player that buzzes in either gives an incorrect answer or fails to respond within 20 seconds, they are locked out of that puzzle and letters begin to be filled in again until another player rings in.
  3. The player who solved the Toss-up, or the player who was first to sign up when the game is announced if no one solved the Toss-Up, begins round 1. A puzzle and its category are revealed. The player who begins the round must do so by spinning the wheel (picking a number 1-24; this applies for all spins). If the amount given is a dollar value, the player picks a consonant. If a consonant is in the puzzle, the player earns the amount they have landed on multiplied by the number of times the letter is in the puzzle.
  4. Also, at any time, a player may choose to buy a vowel (A, E, I, O, or U) for a flat rate of $250, provided they have at least that much. The players will be notified if and when there are only consonants or vowels left in the puzzle.
  5. Also at any time, a player can choose to solve the puzzle. If they choose to do so, they MUST give the exact solution to be ruled correct and bank the money in their total for that round. If even one letter is off, the player will be ruled incorrect and lose their turn.
  6. There are two spaces on the wheel to watch out for at all times: Bankrupt and Lose a Turn. Lose a Turn simply passes control to the next player, while Bankrupt takes away the player's earnings for the round (anything banked in previous rounds is safe).
  7. There are multiple ways for a player to lose their turn:
  8. -Calling a letter not in the puzzle, or a letter that has already been called
  9. -Giving an incorrect puzzle solution
  10. -Landing on Bankrupt or Lose a Turn
  11. The top value on the wheel increases as rounds continue:
  12. Round 1: $1,000
  13. Round 2: $1,500
  14. Round 3+: $2,000
  15. In addition, in rounds 4 and 5, all wheel values are doubled.
  16. Round 3 features a special Express wedge. If a player lands on it, and they call a letter in the puzzle, they earn $500 for each instance of that letter in the puzzle. They then have the usual options, but they can also choose to 'hop aboard' the Express. If this happens, the player stops spinning the wheel. The player simply calls consonants (still valued at $500) or vowels (which still cost $250) until either the puzzle is filled in or the player calls an incorrect letter. Calling an incorrect letter at any time has the same effect as landing on the Bankrupt wedge.
  17. After Round 3, a $1,000 Toss-Up is played to determine who starts with control of the wheel in Round 4.
  18. Round 5 is the Speed-Up round. At the start of the round, the host spins the wheel. Whatever the wheel lands on is what all consonants are worth in the round. The player who begins with control in this round simply calls a letter. If it's in the puzzle, the player then gets 20 seconds to either solve the puzzle or pass control to the next player. Vowels are free, but do not add any money to a player's total.
  19. After round 5, the player with the highest total advances to a Bonus Round; regardless of who wins the game, all three players earn mBTC based on their in-game winnings at a rate of .01 mBTC per $100 earned. A house minimum will be given out if a player's total is below $2,500.
  20. In the bonus round, one more puzzle is shown to the winning player, and all instances of R, S, T, L, N, and E are revealed. The player then calls for three more consonants and one more vowel, which are then revealed if they are in the puzzle. The player then has 30 seconds to solve the puzzle for an additional 1 mBTC.

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